
Apr 29, 2018 02:42

i'm so balls-deep in silicon valley it's frankly ridiculous. it's a long time coming, though; i can't believe i resisted The Call of Fandom for four entire seasons, but now all i fucking think about is this goddamn show. i think the longest i've gone without rewatching a random episode since s5 premiered is two days? maybe one and a half. multiple people have called me out on it (not in a disparaging way, more just bemused). frankly, it's getting fucking embarrassing.


i found this gifset of dean on tumblr, and while i have absolutely no idea what the context is (and please don't tell me! i'm going to watch all of s13 during summer hiatus!), every single one of these is so. fucking. relatable.


please excuse the shoddy screencapping; i'm not sure how to post gifsets on lj, or if it's even possible.

also, i miss photoshopping things for fun and not for work.

pointless post is pointless, personal

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