Photos: the fall is falling

Nov 26, 2013 22:45

Or autumn is autumning. Whatever.

OK, not actually is, but certainly it was. For a week or so, if you count it as ‘leaves being not green’, or at least ‘not all green’. Meaning you need a lot of leaves to notice it and be sure. That’s why on the October 12th I dragged myself out of bed and went to forest, instead of using the weekend to sleep, like all sane and working in other days creatures do. The result were two conclusions: 1. yes, there was autumn; 2. I need some sleeping day between Friday and Saturday…

Coming back home, I was informed there just had ended a talk in radio show, where they said it’s last time for deers roaring on the rut. Well, I haven’t heard any deers cause they were outroared by mushroom pickers. ‘Mum, grandpa went over there!’ / ‘Da, wait for me!’ / ‘And, you know, this boyfriend of her is so annoying…’ / ‘Whee, how BIG! What you mean bad? Just slightly blueish under its cap, that’s all’. Yup, welcome to sylvan serenity. Fortunately, what left after the offensive of mushroom commando was mostly fly amanita, being certainly better for pics than for dinner, unlike some of non-amanitas. See? That’s how ecosystem works. There’s always a hungry photographer for leftovers.

And there were lots of them. Enough to stalk you and bring bigger buddies. ‘Ya talkin’ to me? Wanna talk to Sistah Birch, eh?’

Others preferred rather pretending they aren’t there. Not that they succeed… Ahem.

To be continued. ;)

nature, photos

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