Spoilers, obviously.
In theory, I’m fed up with angst and waiting for anything light-hearted, preferably a standalone with a MotW. In practice, somehow it happens that in this season the non-standalone episodes proceeding with the main story arc have been the best, so far (well, maybe except the Black). This one goes to my private all-seasons list of the best. I’m shocked, cause it not only made sense (well, most of it) but - a total novelty - it was full of decisions that fixed matters instead of worsening them.
A nice opening. She really deserved a successful escape for this action with the heel. Too bad later she turns out the more naïve of the two, and her story doesn’t come well, sniff… But how come a demon can’t fix his meatsuit? He dies with an eyepatch on. PluckedWingless angels, wonky demons, all goes to dogs here, tell ya…
*groans* You’re both worth each other, you. One gossips somebody’s else secrets all over the place (in Ask Jeeves), the other noses into somebody’s else sex chats… Speaking of what, looks like Dean has decided he can be over 30 at last. :) Now he’ll be 35 for five next years.
We detoured eight hours so you could get laid?
Come on, Sam, you wasn’t exactly approving, too, when he used to pick up whoever happened to be at the place, so you should appreciate he kinda makes effort this time. For Dean, it’s almost a white picket fence.
(It’s not fair Sam is right in the end. The Universe doesn’t like Dean Winchester. *g*)
(And the Hell’s enterprising spirit goes the whole new level up. I’m almost sorry for Crowley. What people he has to work with, really… *g*)
Castiel, do everyone a favor and keep your mouth shut from the opening to the end credits, cause every time you open it today, you let out a bigger idiocy. Mission? Right thing? Necessary? Ahem, could we please take a headcanon that the stolen grace is messing with his head? And there I thought no inconsistency in Castiel can astonish me anymore… But all this pales compared to the shock I got from the sight of an angel, who is able to go beyond her own habits, make a decision against anything others say, and put it into effect without hesitation and delay.
But what of the humans whose lives we sacrifice in the name of that mission? We always said the humans were our original mission. Maybe it’s time to put them first.
After six seasons, in the whole friggin’ heavenly host, just one angel… Hannah hasn’t really earned a lot of warm feelings from the fandom up to date, as it seems, but from the perspective of a few recent episodes and in this very moment, her relationship with Castiel turns out fascinating. No, not for it being a canon pairing and all. Sure, it’s nice (I found myself shipping it, to my surprise), but let’s get to something more interesting: I love that they gradually switch places and in the end it’s she who teaches Castiel something, rather than the other way around. Ironically, she needed just a few weeks on the Earth to realize that her vessel is not only a vessel, when for him years were not enough… She fixed as much as she could, though I wonder whether the husband will believe it was not his wife who spoke that time? I hope (naively…) that Hannah won’t come back to have her storyline and character spoiled. (Though I’d love to see her again.)
(Also, the whole scene is one of the most beautiful locations of all seasons.)
Great, another smart one! The hooker, that is, and her reply to the witch. You’re right. I am [strong]. A nice aim, ma’am, tehee. It’s an episode of wise women, apparently. The title fits even more than usual. I hope she’ll be allright. So, she better had not come back in next episodes. (And you, Dean, you should have shot immediately, but nooo, you had to have your ‘got ya’ moment. :P )
Wonder of wonders, Dean decides to solve the conflict once for all, in peace, and turning the decision over to the opponent at that. Are we still in SPN for sure? If I only could stop my jaw from dropping at the sight of the instant persuaded Cole. Double force of the Winchester Puppy Eyes? And Dean not only didn’t present any proofs, but didn’t even know what that man, Cole’s father, was??? Now I’m beginning to get doubtful, too, if he really knew what he was doing, and if he got the right man. As much as Dean’s speech was moving, the result was really poor in the matter of psychological plausibility, and lowering the quality of the otherwise great episode. To the last moments I was sure Cole would shoot, furious even more for feeding him some fantastical bullshit in doleful sauce and expecting him to believe it.
It’s worth to notice that Dean remembers his killings in details, when Deanmon claimed there were too many of them to tell one from another… And demon or no demon, somehow it was more realistic, if sad. Or maybe Dean after the curing made sure to recall this case specifically?
My inner fangirl happily approves the second match we got, Cole vs non-demon!Dean, just to be sure. :) And the outcome is exactly what I’d expect (in terms of plausibility), and what I hoped for: Dean still gets the upper hand, though less easily. Cole’s fate, as a character, is really rotten. He tries so hard and puts so much effort, and he gets brought down for it, literally and figuratively, physically and psychologically, every time. There should be some inter-universe pub, where all characters meant to get thrashing could go and drink gloomily…
I was just telling the guy what he needed to hear.
Just him, no one else? Judging on Sam’s expression, he’s thinking the same as me.
Mommy! Why I knew before he even said it… *g* Well, who else could such a nerve-grating harridan be… Crowley is in a deadlock now - once she’s dead, she comes back to the Hell even faster, like as not. Maybe there’s some free room at Lucifer’s yet?
Any thoughts? :)