St. Paddy's Day

Mar 17, 2007 22:41


Hope everyone's was brilliant! Mine was - teehee. I have green dye in my hair at this moment in time, I am listening to loud dancy music that can be heard from my neighbour's house, everyone I know has been sufficiently happy and peppy all day but alas! No parades.

Well, none I went to, because let's face it here in good ol' Ireland - well, Northern Ireland - there aren't a lotta parades and certainly not anything as big as those in America. Although I would love there to be.

By the by, I heard on Radio 1 this morning (I say morning, it was really just after one) about the Invisible Parade. Did anyone else?

Well, one of the presenters - I forget which but it was a female and she said she was Irish - had been talking to her dad and he told her about two different parades in Ireland for St. Paddy's Day. The Invisible Parade basically consisted of this town of people getting together in main street with all their marvellous drunken revelry, proudly displaying their flags and national pride. Then an official commentator would get up and say things should as; "And here comes St. Mary's High School for Girl's with their annual band display! Aren't they fantastic!" and naturally everyone would agree shouting back drunken comments. At around eleven in the morning. Because that's how it works.

Anyway, the commentator would keep saying things, praising the groups taking place in the parade... and there would be nothing there. Seriously. They'd be cheering at air.

How cool does that sound? lol. Definitely not only in America - only in Ireland.

I do love being part of a country were everyone seems to have lost their minds :).

(Yeah, I know it's weird that my moods change so quickly. It's also weird that I've posted twice today and said barely anything.. well anything constructive!)

st. paddy's day

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