Mar 03, 2012 23:57
What a beautiful voice,
his mouth dripping with words of no shame
the last kiss I felt on my lips turned my stomach into knots
while the butterflies struggle to bust through the weakest cord
I have spent the last two nights living in a world fed from my fears and worries, insecurities and current failures as your woman.
I remember why we took the steps we're taking.
Does the dream world force me to deal with that which I am ignoring otherwise.
Do you hurt? Do you miss me? Do you think about me all day long, looking at your phone to see if I've called?
Or are you mesmerized? Lost in your new lover's eyes... Taken by her inner beauty, intellect, and pride.
I feel thrown to the side. I feel as a tense knot. I feel my heart throb. The tension eats, and part of me feels dead.
This is destructive. I am probably over reacting. or maybe you are ignoring me, for the good of us both. I have contacted you three different ways, in three different days, and tomorrow I will give up in those ways.
Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I can sleep soundly. If not, then at least profoundly aching for your love.