Jul 18, 2011 21:08
Played DDR, Max and Max2. These older games rated difficulty less granularly than the new games. 5 foot songs, even on light, can kick my ass. They throw all kinds of quarter beats and huge clusters of steps I can't even read at those difficulties.
I did 45 minutes of the classics, blowing several that were just a wee bit too busy for me, but I really kept at it. It was a solid workout and my heart rate was about 156+ the whole time which is ... maybe kind of pushing it for me. But I definitely got a high-challenge workout. There was a lot of jumping, but I had my knee braces on. (I should probably have dug out the ankle braces too...)
The scale this morning was not my friend; it said the 3 pounds I lost 2 weeks ago were exactly back. I'm not going to stress over it. It could very well be muscle weight, or it could be the side effect of the potluck picnic I went to on Saturday.
daily exercise