More DDR

Apr 22, 2011 20:21

I did some more DDR tonight. I'm not sure when I started, but I think I played about an hour (not continuous). About 20 songs which is kind of a typical amount when I'm easing back into the game.

I have another comment about the game. I tried plugging in my ignition pad with a usb controller tip (I think it's a 4th gen, it's silver and orange mostly) and it played natively. Yay! However, there was one bug (boo!). The game would not count calories when I was on that pad, only when I plugged the bundled one back in. I can't imagine how it can register the arrows but not count calories but there you have it!

There are a couple "calories burned" trophies so I may resume using the official pad on top of the old old Ignition 2.0 pad I have as well and then switch to the Ignition 4.0 for good.

In other news I got 2 weeks paid time due to the DDOS so I can juggle my icons around a little. Yay.

ddr, daily exercise, video games

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