Passionate About Friday

Oct 26, 2007 14:08

It seems oddly quiet on LJ today. Then again, I'm busy too. A bunch of finish up the week work, plus I'm setting up the first of the new computers at work. It's ... relaxing in it's own way.

I'm really enjoying Final Fantasy Tactics on the PSP (FFT/PSP hereinafter). In the first chapter of the game I had a few lucky breaks. The first time I had to deal with Wiegraf, Ramza sort of randomly learned sword break, so I sent him into the fight as an Archer with Arts of War and he literally shot Wiegraf's sword out of his hand, breaking it on the first try. The fight was then a piece of cake. The final battle of chapter 1, that earned me a Game Over. However, somehow I unlocked Orator (Mediator) on one of my characters so I set the Invite skill on my white mage and she converted one of the enemy knights. It was enough to tip the balance in my favor.

I'm currently in chapter 2, near the end, actually. I forgot how small and how fast the first 2 chapters are. It's like chapter 1 is FFT with training wheels, chapter 2 is a mini version of the real game, then in chapter 3 it really opens up. I took a sidequest mission and did unexpectedly well at it; it was something about stopping bandits raiding a wagon train. I sent in 2 archers and a chemist and came back with about 16,000 gil; that went far to upgrading equipment. I'm now at a particularly annoying fight and I need to level up a little bit to round out what skills are available. Also, Agrias and Mustudio joined the party lower level then most of the others so they need to catch up. I also managed to recruit a pig (uribo) and breed a black chocobo so far. I guess poaching unlocks in chapter 3?

And now your Friday musical download ... that is, if you're a PSP owner:

This is Hikaru Utada's video for Passion, from Kingdom Hearts. Just save the video and the link graphic into your PSP's video folder and enjoy. The link graphic will be your thumbnail!

video games, psp

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