The Life Quixotic

Jan 22, 2008 13:49

I've been meaning to post this for a while, better late than never (unless you are going to the airport and then you'd better be early.)

I bought Jasmine an Easter dress a week ago. It is really cute and I thought about waiting and buying it later, but they only had two in her size, so I was worried that they might all be gone soon. Now I just have to hope that they don't get something even cuter in.

We need to get our pictures taken again. We didn't get a chance to get Jasmine's picture taken at Christmas (and I don't mean with Santa.) And we haven't gotten our picture taken as a family since shortly after Jasmine was born.

I called the early intervention people again last Tuesday, it has been a week since I first called. We have an appointment on January 31st. They lady on the phone said that it doesn't sound like Jasmine needs physical therapy, just that she is slow in the physical area and that she is excelling in the verbal area. (She has over ten words and some times she will put words together, "okay, bye.") The doctor already told me all of this, so I'm not worried. The therapist will probably just show me some exercises to do with Jasmine, to improve the muscle tone in her legs.

I think we are not concerned by Jasmine's not walking, because she has improved. When she went to see the doctor at 13 months she was not standing at all. Nos she at least stands supported and is cruising around. She just won't stand on her own, and won't walk unsupported. My mother complains that we carry Jasmine too much, umm, no, that was you at Christmas time, remember?? (Well, I had to.) I rarely carry her at home during the day, and then its mostly to get her to her changing pad to change her diaper.

I've finally found cookies (that aren't from England) that don't have anything that Jasmine is allergic to, and they seem fairly easy to get. Now if I could just get her to eat them instead of throwing them around the dinning room.

My mother keeps asking when we are going to buy Jasmine her new carseat, umm, when we can afford it. Unless you're going to buy it quit asking. ;p (We bought the Britax Boulevard for $300.)

In other Jasmine news, still drinking from a bottle. :( I guess I should be more persistent that she use a sippie cup during the day, but since it still takes her two-three bottles of rice milk to get through the night I don't see the point. She does sleep better at night now. Jasmine's doctor didn't ask at her lst appointment if she was still on the bottle or not, and I didn't offer the information, because really I think I already know what I will hear, (OMG! She's still on the bottle!1 She's going to have to get braces!) 'Cause really, she's going to have to get braces any way. lordlymight has gaps between his teeth and I've had six teeth removed.

Jasmine now asks,"whaot dat?" (translation= "What is that?") Everything has to be pointed to now and the question asked. (Over and over and over again. It is a lot of fun.)

The quilt hasn't progressed very far, and I still need to finish Jasmine's ceiling, and repaint some parts of the wall.

I got an e-mail full of information for my high school reunion. It is $80 per person (for 1 day/4 hours. Ouch.) But I kind of want to go. We have until the 22nd of February to decide, so we'll see. What do you consider to be cocktail casual?

I got a new book called Writing Magic: Creating Stories that Fly
By Gail Carson Levine. It is written to teach children how to write stories, and I will definately use it with Jasmine when she is older. It has some great writing exercises.

Edit: We sent out 73 cards (yes, they were late) and received 11. I think we'll be cutting the list next year.

high school reunion, early intervention, writing, jasmine

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