Last week (or maybe two weeks ago, whenever, 7/12) I went to my breastfeeding class. The only things I learned there is that you can eat sushi while breastfeeding and a newborns stomach is the size of a golf ball.
July 13
Thursday I took Thor to the kennel and got things read, drove to the airport and flew to 'Vegas.
lordlymight picked me up at the airport and we went to his friend's future father-in-law's house. We played a game (I forgot the name of it,) it was interesting, sort of a medieval real estate type game.
July 14
lordlymight and I had lunch at my mother's house. We went to W's house that night and played D&D. That was fun, I haven't played in years. I almost got to take a cat home with me, but I think it would have put me other my weight limit in luggage. It was a huge kitty.
July 15
Saturday morning we had breakfast with
lordlymight's family, I got to see them all (except his father, and his brother who is still in Iraq,) before the baby shower. Then
lordlymight and I left to pick-up the truck (a horrible, horrible Army truck with no A/C and metal door handles,) that he had to drive down to 'Vegas in. We dropped off the rental car at the BX (Base Exchange, think department store). From dropping the car off and driving to my mother's house (and they aren't that far apart) I arrived soaking in sweat (yuck.)
After a quick wipe down and a few minutes of A/C I went with my mother and K (her husband) to the baby shower. YAY!
Y did not pull threw as promised, (in fact my father and a few other relatives got their invites the day before the shower! I knew that they probably wouldn't have come anyway, especially my father, but still!) so
lordlymight had to buy food and things for the party.
We got a lot of fun stuff, and a lot of pink clothes :( Apparently people thought there was a mistake with our registry, um no there isn't. So when I got home I got to return stuff and pick other things out, yay.
We stayed with my mother that night,
lordlymight drove back home, heading out at 4am, I flew back at 6am.
July 27
I went to the doctor, and it was the usual short checkup. After my next appointment (August 9) I'll be going every week.
July 29
lordlymight and I went to a birthing class. I don't think we really learned anything, except how to make weird noises. We did get to see the L&D room (labor and delivery), the recovery room and the nursery, although we didn't see a waiting room. We did learn that after the baby is born, as long is everything is okay, we keep her for an hour, and then they'll take her to the nursery and do all the measuring and checkup stuff, then she'll come back to the recovery room and stay there as long as some one is awake to watch her. We should only be in the hospital for a day.
July 31
Signed for the loan on the house today.
August 3
Sale on the house closed today
I got the keys for the house today. Rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned carpets for most of the afternoon and part of the evening. My back hurts :( I took a soak in the tub and almost couldn't figure out how to get out of it. I only have the living room to finish, and I'll do that tomorrow, and then return the machine.
lordlymight is in 'Vegas, again. So I can't really move anything big, plus the pest control people aren't coming until the 14th, so I don't want to put too much stuff in their way.
It's late, so I'm going to go to sleep so I can finish the carpet tomorrow, and maybe move a few boxes.