Supernatural: Gabriel Drabbles, Redux

Apr 28, 2010 00:18

Because there was another meme over at the comm almost a month ago and I couldn't resist and forgot to get all my stuff in one spot, the feedback was so awesome.  So here's a compilation of my contributions

For cageyklio , Gabriel and Castiel, BAMF
Castiel forgets, sometimes, that Gabriel was not always the vice-ridden Trickster he parades around as now. He forgets that even if Gabriel was the Messenger and as such did not so often fight as bring word of (and in some cases, start) it, Gabriel is an archangel and, as he once told Dean, is one of Heaven's most terrifying weapons.

Then there are the days he is very quickly reminded of all those things. Now, for example. He watches Gabriel tear into a group of high-level demons with a claymore he summoned out of nowhere, slashing at them as though the sword isn't almost as long as he is tall. The interesting part is, the demons' vessels pass through the blade like it is smoke and only the demon within is destroyed.

"I hate to say it," Dean says as he catches his breath. Across the parking lot that had become their impromptu battlefield, Gabriel trips the last demon and stabs downward, twisting the blade as the demon dies. "But your brother is pretty BAMF."

"He's what?" Castiel queries because while the Winchesters have been teaching him things about current human society, this is one of the things they have not yet explained.

"Bad-Ass MotherFucker," Gabriel explains as he hefts the sword and rests it against his shoulder. He smirks and looks like both the Trickster and the Archangel. "And yes I am."

Castiel opens his mouth to point out that they do not have a mother and Gabriel likely should not be having sexual relations with her, but Sam catches his eye and shakes his head. It's just another human term that isn't exactly what it sounds like. "It just means Dean thinks Gabriel's fighting is really, really cool."

That makes more sense. "It is," Castiel agrees and Gabriel looks incredibly smug.

"And don't any of you forget it," Gabriel says, pointing the sword at them.

Castiel thinks it is a little hard to remember that, now that Gabriel has turned the claymore into an ice cream sundae and has begun eating it with more glee than necessary. Very hard to remember.


For manatee_socks , Gabriel and Castiel, Overprotective

"The Angels As A Mob Family" AU. It went over much better than I expected, so I may continue with it...

"I am fine, Gabriel," Castiel sighs for the umpteenth time as Gabriel fusses over bandaging his arm just right.

"Lying is bad for you," Gabriel answers, voice tight. "You suck at it on a regular basis, but trying it while you're very clearly concussed is stupid."

The door flies open and Michael and Lucifer stride in. Michael looks pissed, and Lucifer is horrified and inspired in turns. "We just got back from the warehouse you found Castiel in," Michael informs Gabriel as he shucks his jacket on the couch, his shoulder holster and bowie knife following. "Four men, Gabriel. Four men, hacked into seventeen pieces. There was literally no place on the floor not covered in blood."

"And the ceiling," Lucifer adds with a gleefully dark smile. "Can't forget the splatter on the ceiling. It dripped into Michael's hair."

"Killing them, I understand," Michael goes on with a glare at the second eldest. "Any of us would have done the same. But dismemberment and decapitation? Really, Gabriel?"

Gabriel shrugs. "I was angry."

"Yes, but you don't think that was overkill?"

Gabriel pauses and Castiel sees him trying to fight back a grin. "I was actually considering setting the heads on fire," he admits.

Michael throws his hands up in exasperation. Lucifer asks why Gabriel didn't burn the heads. Castiel sighs again and wonders if Dean's family is as overprotective as this one.


For chef_hector , Gabriel chooses Team Free Will and pays dearly for it

It hadn't been an easy choice to make, choosing to side with the Winchesters and their one scrappy angel over either of the archangels and their respective vastly superior firepower. But Sam had asked again, and Gabriel couldn't find it in himself to say no.

Of course the one thing Michael and Lucifer could agree on in millenia is that they don't like this.

"Now, now, brother," Lucifer purrs, knee and angel-killing blade digging into Gabriel's back. "What in all of Creation were you thinking?"

"The question should be," Michael, riding around in some poor shmuck who had no idea what he was doing when he said yes to the leader of the Heavenly Host, says, "Was he thinking at all? Gabriel, you had to know you were choosing the losing side." He has Sam pinned to the wall and that is the only reason Gabriel hasn't gone for broke. He likes Sam's eyes just the way they are.

"Aw, c'mon boys," Gabriel grunts. He flashes a grin like this isn't the worst situation he's ever been in. "I thought you'd be glad I finally picked a side at all."

"This is true," Lucifer allows, exchanging a look Gabriel doesn't like with Michael. Lucifer leans down. "You did say you'd never see me wear your precious Sammy, didn't you?"

"And he has pretty consistently told Lucifer no," Michael adds. Sam's eyes widen because he does not know where this is heading, but it can't be anywhere good. He resumes fighting Michael's grip with more desperation. "So here, our congratulations on picking a side- Lucifer will never use him for a vessel."

There is a sharp crack of breaking bone, and Sam falls, neck broken and dead before he hits the ground. Gabriel screams and struggles under Lucifer, reaching out to try to save Sam, bring him back, something, anything- Lucifer's blade slides through Gabriel's back on a level unseen by humans. "And your punishment for picking the wrong one."

When Dean and Castiel arrive, Michael and Lucifer are long gone, and Gabriel- wingless, Graceless Gabriel- is holding Sam's lifeless body and praying to a Father who does not answer.

Someone filled my prompt!! Gabriel picks a side not Team Free Will

spn, fanfiction

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