SPN Fic: Death Felt 'Round The World

Apr 27, 2010 23:42

Rating: PG
Warning: 5x19 shouldn't be a spoiler for anyone by now
Summary: Every angel in Creation feels it when he dies

When Gabriel dies, every angel in Creation feels it. It doesn't matter whether the angel is still of Heaven or Fallen, the lowest in a garrison or Michael himself; they know it, and feel it, and mourn it, some without knowing exactly why. Castiel feels it like a physical blow; nearly going to his knees. Someone killed the Archangel Gabriel, and it doesn't matter that Gabriel had been a coward, had run when he should have stayed and fought to keep his family together. The fact is, the only beings short of their Father powerful enough to do it are Michael and Lucifer, and no matter which it was, the deed further drives home the fact that Castiel is running out of time, and so are the Winchesters.

Briefly, Castiel wonders- if he had never been close to the Messenger and Gabriel's death hurt him so, how it must feel to the three who knew him best.


Lucifer makes a sound akin to a sob. He quickly smothers it, because what point is there in mourning a lesser angel who had challenged him for his life? Gabriel had been neither as strong as Michael or bright as Lucifer himself, but he had been enough for his duties, enough for his family. They had been close friends, brothers, something as which Gabriel had named him to the last (even still loving him after war and the passage of time which sbould have erased or at least warped the feeling). Even during the Wars, Gabriel had struck and banished, and not killed any of Lucifer's band who had not forced his hand. Raphael had called him weak, Lucifer heard. Michael had demanded Gabriel make clear his allegiance. Lucifer had gone out of his way to avoid Gabriel on the battlefield, because he knew when he and Gabriel would fight, it would only be for Gabriel to die. Because they both know (both knew) that Gabriel is (was, always) never a match for Lucifer, because when that happened, it would be because Gabriel really didn't want to fight anymore, because you don't go out of your way to kill a brother who made you laugh.


Raphael hardly flinches. He and Gabriel have not been close since Lucifer Fell, estranged further when Gabriel left Heaven. Raphael had known Gabriel neither Fell nor died at the hands of a Fallen or a demon (everyone would have known, as they do now) and had treated him as one ofthe Fallen- not to be spoken of, and when met again, properly dealt with. To be honest, Raphael is a little relieved; Gabriel is (had been) formidable for one whose title is (once was) the Messenger. An archangel on the humans' side would be problematic and another archangel on Lucifer's side, particularly one who knew (had known) Michael almost as well as Lucifer himself would be devastating. Still, they were brothers, once, and Raphael finds himself praying Gabriel's end had been swift and with mercy.


Michael tears over as soon as he recovers from the shock (less than a human second, long enough that in angelic warfare an enemy could have struck him down). Lucifer is long gone by then, but his taint lingers over the pagan gods he killed, in the wound he left when he murdered Gabriel. The form Gabriel has chosen is one ill-suited for fighting, more designed for the very human vices he is said to have adopted, hardly worthy of the Messenger of the Lord. That, Michael thinks, as he surveys the fallen (fallen, not Fallen; even Gabriel would not renounce his Father even if he had renounced his home) vessel and the burn marks left by his wings, may have been Gabriel's point all along- adopt a form so ordinary and unsuitable for any of the Heavenly Host, and they could pass him anywhere in the world and never know it. This death only steels Michael's resolve further- Gabriel may have been persuaded to come home, to lead the Host to the Winchesters as he has had multiple encounters with them. Runaway or not, Gabriel had been a tool of the will of Heaven and Michael would have used him. "You will be avenged," he swears as he disappears, even if it were for reasons Gabriel would not have appreciated. He pretends he is not grieving.

spn, fanfiction

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