May 26, 2010 19:57
I wish my teeth were better so I could eat a lot more sour cherry candy :)
Jackson has been a handful today. He was soooo cranky earlier today, but he wouldn't go down for a nap for a very long time. (But when he finally did, he slept three hours!) And he's decided he's going to be picky with his food. So he hasn't eaten much today because he's rejected almost everything we've given him. What he doesn't reject he only eats a little bit of. Cranky face.
Jack is going to love our new place so much. I just can't wait. And I'm sure everyone's sick of hearing about it lol. Big, fenced backyard.. a couple minutes away from a playground.. He's going to be in heaven.
I was going to change my phone to a Nanaimo one before we moved. But I guess I'll wait now since I've given a couple places my current number :P Hopefully I'll change it around June 2nd.
Hmm.. I forgot I had a crap load of user pics on here.
"Look at this rain. It's like the clouds are angry and are puking on us. BLEHHHHHH!!" -Jordan
quotes 2010