Title: Water forms
Character: Jack, Kate, Aaron, Shannon, Boone, Ben.
Words: 250
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
Spoilers: S4 finale
Summary: Human body consists of 65-90% of water.
A/N: Four very short drabbles, I hope not too hermetic. For previous Queen
astra2104, who requested "ice".
Steam is a pure, completely invisible gas, apparently harmless.
Yet, it can be pressurized into a powerful fuel, to be released at the touch of a valve. Most of the times, it’s a constant stream of energy that makes everything work. Other times, when it has reached the crucial point, a simple name can cause a bust of force that destroys whatever is nearer.
Listening to the slow steps going upstairs, imagining the blond head cradled against Kate’s chest, Jack only hoped that Aaron hadn’t been burned by it.
Snowflakes are water crystals, each equal to the other in nature but different in shape, in response to the environment surrounding them.
Soft snow can toughen if held into a tight fist, or melt into a warm hand.
Looking at Shannon’s profile silhouetted against the plane window, Boone wondered if his embrace had been enough.
Water is deceptively fragile. Even though everything can pierce its surface, water immediately heals itself, with just a few droplets lost in the process.
And even if one of them had the shape of a toy airplane and another of a locket, water still survives.
Kate closed the door behind her, the rain already filling those gaps.
Ice takes more space than water.
Staring out of the window, the shot ringing in his ears, Ben had never felt his heart fuller.