Dec 20, 2005 15:08
This guy from college is coming to visit me in Ohio next week for just few hours before heading to Michigan.
I am not sure if I am excited/nervous/weird out/not excited... just had lots of mixed feelings after this guy asked me on my pager if he could stop by to visit for few hours.
I talked to my roomate, she said that it would be nice having him over- but after hearing what I have told her about him, the history between me and this guy. She will be there on my side if he starts to act needy or lovey, (is lovey a word?)
Well, I decided to accept his offer to come by to visit- but unsure if I am making the right one. It can be great visit or a bad one. It depends on since I haven't seen him for like 2 years now!
*taking some breaths* Hope I am making the right one, and am looking forward to see him again after those years.
Your advices would be appreciated!