Oct 17, 2003 22:29
n0t all that much has happened the past wk but I wanted t0 update.. I have n0thin else t0 d0. [every0ne is @ the game]
m0nday & tuesday, Ms Withen wasn't @ sch00l s0 we kinda g0 a break. I d0n't really memb what happened in any 0f my classes m0nday-wednesday
sch00l is actually g0in pretty g00d n0w..
g0t my mid 6 wks grades.. bi0l0gy I have a 87, hist0ry I g0t a 91, ge0metry I have a 89. I'm glad that I g0t B's in bi0 & ge0 this time!
Everything w/ me & Ricky is just great & things w/ my friends are great t00.. a few 0f em are g0in thr0ugh s0me stuff.. very dramatic.. I t0ld em it's like a s0ap 0pera! I h0pe everything gets better w/ em s00n-- I kn0w h0w that is!
Ricky is 0ut 0f f00tball f0r a week b/c 0f his knee =(
I feel s0 bad f0r em..
I finished my leaf c0llecti0n finally!
I have a baby f0r the weekend! [parenting class] I named her Caitlyn Breanne she started cryin really bad a lil after 5-- it's s0 much like a real baby. I knew I didn't wanna be a m0m n0w.. but havin this baby really made me reaize it.. havin 1 & bein married w0uldn't be bad th0.. I just c0uldn't d0 that al0ne!
I was planning 0n g0in t0 the game [we played appy] I had t0 beg dad t0 take me.. he said he w0uld.. I called Meg & we were really wantin t0 g0 & all but her m0m said she needed 2 stay h0me t0night.
Dad g0t a m0le rem0ved t0day.. his d0c was tnkin it was cancer.. s0 they're checking 0n that.
I have n0 plans f0r t0m0rr0w.. well besides takin care 0f this baby. I want s0me0ne t0 c0me 0ver
The l0ck-in is next Friday.. I think m0m is g0in let me g0. [I'm sup0ssed t0 be gr0unded]
Fal & I wanna be in the talent sh0w @ the l0ck-in.. we want m0re 0f 0ur friends t0 d0 it w/ us & we have t0 find 0ut wh0 sings the s0ng we might sing.
Well, that's all 0f this.. ppl are gettin 0n n0w s0 I have s0me m0re ppl t0 talk t0.
I might n0t update f0r an0ther week.. I d0n't have the time nem0re.. but wh0 kn0ws.
[wish me luck w/ this baby]
edit: amber just t0ld me that we w0n the game.. 19-0 I'm very pr0ud 0f the guys! h0pefully we'll d0 this the rest 0f the seas0n!