*I think y0u're beautiful*

Oct 12, 2003 20:01

I st0le this 0ff Gina's l/j I figured since I haven't been updatin I'd d0 this.
n0thing much happened t0day. I'm feeling a l0t better-- I think m0m & I are allergic t0 th0se glade plug in things b/c since I unplugged them, I can actually breath g00d. m0m trimmed my hair a lil this m0rn after I g0t 0utta the sh0wer. I'm thinkin b0ut re-d0ing my highlights but I dun0 b0ut that yet.


-- Name: Alison
-- Birthday: November 11
-- Current Location: Coeburn
-- Eye Color: blue [turn green s0metimes th0]
-- Hair Color: Blonde
-- Height: 7
-- Righty or Lefty: Lefty
-- Zodiac Sign: Sc0rpi0


-- Your heritage: never really asked [0r cared]
-- The shoes you wore today: sketchers
-- Your weakness: t00 f0rgetful, t00 emoti0nal s0metimes
-- Your fears: bein al0ne, l00sing ppl cl0se 2 me, snakes & spiders
-- Your perfect pizza: Extra cheese, & pepper0ni,
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Making a name f0r myself...


-- Your most overused phrase/word on AIM: L0L*
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "5 m0re mins"
-- Your best physical feature: I guess my eyes
-- Your bedtime: depends.. usually between 11 & 1


-- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: BK
-- Single or group dates: either
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipt0n
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccin0

LAYER FIVE: Do you..

-- Smoke: n0pe
-- Curse: try n0t t0
-- Sing: sure d0
-- Take a shower everyday: yes
-- Have a crush(es): have a b/f
-- Do you think you've been in love: yea
-- Want to go to college: yeah
-- Like high school: h0mec0ming made me realize h0w much I d0
-- Want to get married: yes.. eventually
-- Believe in yourself: m0st 0f the time
-- Get motion sickness: nah
-- Think you're attractive: usually
-- Think you're a health freak: n0t at all
-- Get along with your parents: m0st 0f the time
-- Play an instrument: nah.. I wanna play pian0 th0

LAYER SIX: In the past month have you..

-- Drank alcohol: nah
-- Smoked: n0pe
-- Done a drug: n0
-- Had Sex: n0pe
-- Made out: nah
-- Gone to the mall?: yea
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: n0pe
-- Eaten sushi: n0pe
-- Been on stage: nah
-- Gone skating: n0
-- Made homemade cookies: yep
-- Gone skinny dipping: n0pe
-- Dyed your hair: nah


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: nah
-- If so, was it mixed company: n/a
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: n0pe
-- Been caught "doing something": n0pe
-- Been called a tease: n0t that I can remember
-- Gotten beaten up: n0
-- Shoplifted: n0pe
-- Changed who you were to fit in: n0pe


-- Age you hope to be married: b4 30
-- Numbers and Names of Children: @ least 2 Caitlyn Breanne 0r Rachel Leigh & Jac0b Dylan 0r J0rdan Blake
-- Describe your dream wedding: I dun0
-- How do you want to die: 0ld.. in my sleep
-- Where you want to go to college: uva@wise 0r vT
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: teacher 0r nurse
-- What place out of the country would you most like to visit: Fracne


-- last car ride: dad t00k me t0 t0wn Friday night
-- last romantic kiss: Friday night
-- last good cry: it's been a while
-- last library book checked out: b0ut a mth ag0
-- last movie seen: Bringing d0wn the H0use*
-- last book read: g0sh0, that's ?
-- last beverage drank: water
-- last food consumed: egg r0ll
-- last crush: I had the biggest crush 0n Ricky 4ever.. but n0w we're 2gether =)
-- last phone call: Ricky-- it was the best wake up call =)
-- last tv show watched: As t0ld by Ginger
-- last time showered: this m0rn
-- last shoes worn: c0w h0use sh0es
-- last cd played: Michelle Branch h0tel paper
-- last song downloaded: I d0n't memb.. that's been a while
-- last annoyance: what Chris did t0 Meg
-- last disappointment: haven't had 0ne in a while =)
-- last soda drank: Mell0w Yell0w
-- last word written: my name [I think]
-- last key used: I d0n't memb
-- last word spoken: s0mething t0 m0m ab0ut the dishes
-- last sleep: eirlier @ mamaws
-- last IM: Matt
-- last sexual fantasy: hmm
-- last time wanting to die: haven't
-- last time in love: n0w
-- last time hugged: Friday night
-- last chair sat in: the 1 I'm sitting in n0w.
-- last lipstick used: 0ne Friday m0rn
-- last underwear worn: the 0nes im wearing n0w...
-- last bra worn: the 0ne I have 0n n0w...
-- last shirt worn: c0eburn f-ball
-- last time dancing: Friday night =)
-- last poster looked at: s0me dude in my mag
-- last show attended: i dunn0
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