Apr 01, 2005 13:10
I will never be able to refer to Kelly Muzzi in the past tense. Usually after people die they become emblematic and are elevated to this glorious status in our minds. They go to this place in which we fashion them in their most perfect form. But Kelly was always there. She is always there. And I love her so much. My denial will never fully go away about all this. Nothing will ever be the same. 5AM will never be the same. 4/1 will never be the same. Windows will never be the same. But we will grow. And only ever become old on the inside.
Liz, Adam, Elissa, Kelly.
A few more people on the list that better get scratched off.
Liz, Adam, Elissa, Kelly.
In that order. In this school of 600. In one year. No body ever said tragedy happens in fours. Maybe the Japanese did, actually. I hope they did. I will convert to Shintoism if they did, and that will be the end of it.
Please Laura, recover. Please Josiah, recover.