The Big Sim - Day 14 - Part 2

Nov 07, 2011 14:33

Check PART 1 before continue



Carlos is the oldest in the bunch, (we know he is, the looks don't fool anyone anyone lol).

He's the most experienced and the most skilled, which had been really handy around the house.

He's also very active,

and, though not too crafty,

he adapts to new situations easily,

and is always ready for a new challenge.

But, most importantly, from start, Carlos had shown to do remarkably well interacting with all kinds of people,

making friends quickly,

but always knowing exactly when to keep his distance,

and when to approach.


Let the fan squeeing begin!  XD

I don't want to sound biased, because I love the other contestants as much, but we do have a lot of reasons to love John,

and the good looks (and genes! :P), it's only one of them.

He's determined, mature, responsible,

but still fun and always good company.

He's not perfect and doesn't pretend to be,

but tries his best and more in everything he does.

He had also proved to be a caring and loving boyfriend.

And, he's friendly,


knows how to keep good relations even with those he doesn't get along that well,

and he can become the most supporting friend anyone could ask for,

but he is not interested in fake friendships or meaningless affairs.

(and this.... Just because we must remember this! for those who missed that day, nothing happened, but Frances was having a complicated day, so you see what I mean by supporting friend lol)


Tina is the youngest.

She outgoing, confident, open minded, and driven.

When she wants something, she goes for it without doubts.

She is also adventurous and daring,

and knows how to make a lot of friends;

but it doesn't mean she likes to fool around,

and if you break her trust, she won't forgive you easily.

And so, this is it!!

The moment to decide.
Who do you guys think should win the Big Sim!? 
Vote and leave me your opinions. I wanna know what you all think!  :)


Thanks so much for reading, commenting and following.!  <3 <3

Continue to Day 15 for the last part!

big sim, nonstory:big sim

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