
Oct 29, 2007 15:55

So I have money woes again.

This time yes, I can pay regularized monthly bills, it's the outstanding stuff that is causing me a nightmare.

-- $1200 in ER bills (spread thin to $100 per month)
-- $370 in physicians bills
-- $350 NH speeding ticket
-- $20 for my next medical appointment (now that I have insurance)
-- the loans I had deferred from my unemployment earlier this year are now in repayment

I still owe my parents for the tax bailout in March, too. I need another job. And possibly a winning lottery ticket.

Advice? I'm going to keep responses private, just in case you have sensitive information you want to share, it'll be protected. Otherwise, email me. Or if you don't know how to email me, respond to my message with your email (it'll be invisible to public), and I'll come to you.
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