On Tuesday I finally got to film my appearance on the show "Stump the Schawb". Anyway, I was in the Big Apple for Monday evening, all of Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Since, there were so much to talk about, I just go to write stuff down as they come to me.
- Don't even ask me how I did on the show. That information is vaulted until the air date (May 24, 7:30pm). Just wanted to clarify that.
- New Yorkers (city) have to be the most arrogant people in the country. While my mom and i were walking thru the city, NO-ONE got out of our way when we were going to walk straight into them. I mean, "Hello! I don't exist!" Also, in every cab that we went into, the cab driver beeped his horn at least once and we also heard at least 3 horns everytime we went futher than 3 blocks. In New York, everyone thinks that they are Richard friggin' Petty and everyone else can't drive, it ricidilous.
- While walking, we came across a Yankees store. It's probably a good thing my mom was there because I would have gone right into that store and just abuse everyone in there. Anyway, I didn't bring my Red Sox cap, mainly because I could not find it before we left. It probably a good thing, because there were a few people who were nice to us who were wearing Yankee caps, however I would have loved to shove the fact that I'm a fan of the 2004 WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!
- Mom and I got to NYC via bus. The bus ride wasn't that bad at all (it only took us 4 hours to get to New York), however the movies that I had to suffer though on that bus was cruel and unusual touture. On the way to NYC, I had to watch "The Prince and Me" which is basically a chick flick starring Julia Stiles. I hate chick flicks because they are so predictable and this movie was no exception, however it was better than the movie I had to watch on the way back. "Around the World in 80 Days" could have been one of the worst movie I have ever since if it wasn't for Jackie Chan doing some Jackie Chan stuff.
- We were staying in Manhattan and thank god, because we had to go though the Bronx to get to Manhattan and it was just a total dump. That place has poverty and crime written all over it. However, the Bronx looks like Bel-Air compared to the next part of town we had to go though. Harlem is just a nightmare. I saw only ONE white person in Harlem and we were in Harlem for a good 10 minutes. Crime has got so bad at Harlem that the city had to put video cameras on street corners. Thank god, I didn't see Staten Island, because I hear that pretty awful, too.
- New York steak...overrated. New York pizza...underrated. New York fruit...shitty.
- When we were arriving for the show, there was a mix-up. We had to go to Chelsa Studios so we got the address and everything. We were arrived at Chelsa studios, I didn't see anything that resembled a TV studio, I saw at least 20 girls in spendix. It turned out that Chelsa studios was a threate studio for auditions, which wasn't good. However, the guy at the front desk said "You want Chelsa TV studios" that across the street. So we were able to get there, thank god we left early to get there.
- The hotel we were staying at was pretty small (I heard that all hotels in New York are like that). However, it did have great decoirating (that what my mom said being a decoiratior herself). However, you wouldn't believe what was next door to us. The Museum of Sex was located right next door to us. We didn't go in because I didn't notice that until Tuesday afternoon and because I feel a little uncomfortable in those places. For example, in Montreal, Graham, Danny and I saw this sex shop on St. Cathy's and Graham and Danny sort of made me go in just to check it out. Anyway, I think I lasted 3 minutes in there before I officially got freaked out.
- You know what's in the middle of Times Square? A military recuiting base. How random is that?
- Never in my life have I seen a line to get into a library, before I went to New York.
- After the taping, Mom and I went to see "the Interpreter". The movie was pretty good, however the ending was a little dissapointing, but the acting was great. Sean Penn, I love him as an actor, however I loathe him as a person (he's a jerk). Anyway, I can't believe he was once married to Mannona.
I'm be writing some more later.