Go go fiery monkey death!
What kind of disease are you?
Aldwinn is caused by monkeys.
Aldwinn disease causes immediate spontaneous combustion.
The only cure for Aldwinn is to kill a chicken and wear its skin on your head.
And dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
Harmony. It's inner peace for you, or at least
trying to find it. The shell you live your life
in is akin to monks of old. You'd be more
comfortable if things were less stressed and
made a little more sense, so you try to get
just that. You survive the end by not letting
it happen. You didn't stop it, but you
supported those who did. I'm glad you took a
break from meditation to take the quiz...
How would you survive the end of the world? brought to you by
Quizilla bwahaha by pressing the Update Journal button i single handedly undermined this test! go me!
I never update
why is YOUR livejournal annoying? brought to you by