Aug 09, 2010 03:29
I'm sitting hear listening to the Beatles...on random. This is crazy because things pre Sgt. Pepper come up, and I don't listen to the pop music at all. But its quite the fun time.
I'm trying to make plans to go to NYC for a few days. Gorillaz was the first reason, but since those tickets are so much I think just hanging out with friends is more of a grand idea.
I need to travel more overall. That whole license/ car thing is a big hurtle, but my grand adventure still needs to happen. Not all 50 states, but north-east coast, mississippi cities, the west and all of the west coast would be a great road trip.
I guess I should also get my shit together about graduate school. I don't want to do anything I can do at this moment, but my grades weren't that good. apparently there was a point where I was supposed to try? Whatever happened to me being smart enough to do well without effort? What I really need is grad school, but there are so many interesting paths to take. I could go for Anthropology, in which i would focus on the cultural aspects of afro-centric religions in the americas, specifically those influenced by Marcus Garvey. I could also do linguistics, in which I want a masters in general studies of the subject and either a PhD in Navajo(haha, if only) or a more attainable study of Indu-European languages, specifically two that seem different but may be the most similar. I can also do library science, which I still can't figure out what the hell a librarian needs a masters for? The most recent idea is that of an Urban planner. It uses things I learned in anthropology, but it has real-world applications and helping real populations. The idea bubbling in my head at the moment is to try to become a shaman. This is harder, for while I have a background in multiple traditions of the world and thus had a basis in any type of psycho-religious experience that could potentially help a patient, i figure i need some sort of psychological degree to be able to practice with, among other things, ancient shamantic chemicals, and others that do similar things. And there are worse things than being a certified drug dealer, even if prescriptions are overall less fun, less healthy, and less helpful for people who need them than the natural plants tend to be.
Oh well. I'll figure life out at some point, or at least enough to get by, as that is all I've been good at so far.