Apr 02, 2007 16:59
I hate it when, due to a communal scoop and proximity to FUCKING VILE FRUIT OR COTTON CANDY ICE CREAM, I get a cone of cookies and cream and it tastes like MOTHERFUCKING COTTON CANDY ICE CREAM. I hate cotton candy ice cream and anyone who likes it. If you like shit that tastes bad, stop foisting it on ME by allowing ice cream places to serve it.
Everything else is going great, though! My last class is on Thursday, then it's just bullshit finals.
-April 9, 8:30 AM - ITALIAN: I've been keeping up with the work in this class, so this will basically require an hour of total studying, tops.
-April 10, 2:30 PM - PHYSICS: Thanks to an idiotic grading scheme, I've got 50/100 going into the final, which is worth the remaining 50. Since my main ambition in this class is to pass, entire final=extra credit.
-April 10, 6:30 PM - SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: This class is total horseshit and I might need to work a little to prepare for it, but given it's the only class for which that is the case and it's followed by a goddamned week before my next final, my complaining will be tasteful and reserved.
-April 16, 8:30 AM - STATISTICS: I'm good at statistics, and yet another wacky grading scheme means that if I do bad on my final, it will barely be weighted more than my best term test (which was **20/20**)
-April 19, 6:30 PM - CHILDREN'S LIT: This is a silly class and again it'll probably take an hour of preparation between now and the final.
If you're hatin' on me right now, I suggest you consider: the game.
Rheanon and I talked about thangs and we're probably going to just leave it open this summer. It's also possible we'll break up before then, but whatever happens I think we'll be on good terms. Also whatever happens, it's very doubtful we'll be using up my balance of condoms, so I guess it's back to ribbed-for-her-pleasure heroin smuggling for me!
In beard news, I've got a pretty good beard I think.