(no subject)

Sep 21, 2006 09:56

I had something fun happen to me on the way in to work this morning. I was driving down I-24 towards Nashville when a white truck started to pass me, then fell way back. At first, I thought perhaps the driver has spotted a cop up ahead but I didn't see anyone. Then I checked the rear view mirror and saw a company logo that I recognized on the side of the truck. I slowed down a little as the truck began to pick up speed and saw Tony, a good friend of mine, smiling at me as he passed! We each reached for our cell phones, but he won the dialing contest. (I think he'd already started to get his before I saw him.) We talked for a few minutes while we drove down the road. He was hoping we'd be able to swing by his place this weekend since his wife, Ruby, is about to start 4 days off in a row, but we will be out of town.

Well, I better get back to work. Actually, I'm working to pass the time until SciFi.com releases the next Battlestar Galactica Webisode. It is supposed to be released at noon eastern time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

friends, battlestar galactica

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