hello comrades! i am sitting in my living room wearing my
wolfmother cosmic egg t-shirt, woot! speaking of which, i still have another video left to upload, so i'll probably post the concert review this weekend. in the meantime, look! i have
a new moodtheme made by
talulababy! isn't it pretty?
my mum's visiting me for a couple of months so i've been busy catching up with her since monday. it's going to be great having her around since she lives on the other side of the planet and i see her so infrequently, we usually get along well, and i'll be eating awesome home-made food for a while. and she brought me a TON of gifts, squee! but 2 months is also a long time and y'know how moms can be
i'm just waiting for her to start nagging. it'll be well-intentioned nagging but nagging nonetheless. oh well!
besides being fed more food than i would usually eat and trading updates, i also watched a bunch of csi, castle and dr. who eps with mum, hahah. next on the docket is make her watch supernatural with me
she told me how my grandfather used to watch the old dr. who, and then i told her about the whole remake thing. explaining captain jack harkness' pansexual slutty ways was..amusing
[OMG I HAVE THE BIGGEST CRUSH ON HIM, I WANT HIM BAD]. so i finally finished s1 and watched the first ep with david tennant but I MISS NINE! HE WAS SO AWESOME
ten is pretty hilarious so far - he's so hyper, his face is so mobile and cartoony and he's a sharp dresser [and reminds me of guys i generally find attractive in a nerdy/awesome way, hee]. BUT I MISS NINEEEEEEEEEEEE. i will borrow the next few seasons from
ava soon and hey! maybe i might even be all caught up before the eps with eleven begin? *hopeful*
btw i watched new moon on sunday. and i have a very short to review to share \0/
- i thought twilight was better b/c it had more lulzy moments. remember rpattz looking constipated and saying "this is the skin of a killer, bella?" and jizzing in his pants in the classroom scene? ahah!
- in this one, edward just cries. and looks like a heroin addict. and cries some more. and cries. and..cries.
- he does, however, have a parting line in the end that made me say "OH BARF" out loud, rofl.
- jacob and the werewolves, on the other hand, are a lot more fun - funnier, not as emo, and definitely more pleasing to the eye.
- bella's a whiner as always, who thinks she's worthless and weak b/c she's a human *yawn*
- charlie rocks. he seriously does. i frigging love billy burke, haha!
- i thought the volturi would play a larger role. i can't seem to remember how many chapters were devoted to them in the book [b/c it's been a while since i read it, and i blocked out most of it anyway].
- but jamie campbell-bower had all of 2 lines, and dakota fanning had 3 maybe? pah.
- overall? go watch it for the pretty boys and girls and the entertainment. but you obviously won't miss out on anything if you decide to skip it
ava found it necessary to send me these someecards. what can i say? despite the poor quality of the film, the boys are cute! and i most certainly am not a cradle robber.
untitled by
melanth0 : dean/castiel. OMG SHE WROTE CRACKFIC BASED ON MY CASTIEL DOODLE! AND IT IS MOST AWESOME! she posted it on mishaland, which is a locked comm, but omg you should join just to read this fic [and then leave the comm if necessary]. IT HAS SPARKLY LEIS, AND BABY UNICORNS, SAD!DEAN AND CAS TRYING HIS BEST TO CHEER UP HIS PARAMOUR FAVE WINCHESTER.
the last sweetness by
folkhore : wincest. coda to 5x10. there's burning desperation and such intensity in this fic, and it's lovely. i really like the idea of the winchesters fixing themselves in this manner, and spending their "last night on earth" this way.
possible side effects may include... by
rhythmsextion : j2. oh my. sleepy!jensen + yearning!jared, messy blowjobs and handjobs. it might be slightly dubcon although i think it's just misplaced guilt and boys not discussing feelings - and i thought it was SO INTENSE in all the right ways. lovely fic.
rounding the bases by
crackedbuthappy : j2 au. smut, smut and more smut. oh, also jared is a giant girl, lol. fun read!
young werewolf by
leochi : teddy lupin. i really like the different colours in this pic and the shape of his face. so pretty.
untitled by
spacefragments : dean/castiel. THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS. AND CAS HAS WINGS. AND I LOVES IT.
slash, het, misogyny and heteronormativity in the harry potter fandom by
birdseyeview: a very interesting read, especially since it focuses a lot on harry/draco.
misogyny in supernatural by
corbyinoz: i've read a few posts about the misogynistic nature of supernatural, but this is one of the very few posts arguing against it. i think it's well-written and interesting, especially since it offers a contrasting pov.
jared's hands picspam by
secretlytodream: OMG. i have hand!kink, yes? especially for long elegant fingers? and these days, i seem to have a thing for arms too [besides wrists and the inner part of the elbow and blue/green veins, which i've always loved]. well, this picspam = freaking slice of heaven. OH GOD, YES.
colin/bradley/map article: dude. i haven't read the article yet b/c i'm afraid it might spoil me [b/c i haven't seen a single of merlin YET] but duuuuuuuuudes look at their pretty scruffy bearded faces! AWH IT'S LIKE BOYS PLAYING DRESS-UP FOR SOME REASON AHAHA and i adore it
ZAC EFRON, WHY SO PRETTY?: bb at the me and orson welles premiere, outside the david letterman shooting, and a few other candids. SUCH A CUTIE, AWH. btw he's "in talks" for the role of kira in death note. REMEMBER
THIS AWESOME COMPARISON IMAGE? i hope he gets the role..
justin chon is a hottie: he has a funky tatt, and best of all, is 28 yrs old. which totes makes me feel better for thinking "AWHH PRETTY ASIAN BOYYYY" everytime i saw him playing "eric" in twilight or new moon
30 most disturbing twilight products: OMGWTFBBQ *shudders* thanks to
ava for this!
8) according to the following meme, i deliver" erotic hugs" HAHAHAH WTF!
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