Sep 01, 2009 10:25

there is no god up in the sky tonight
no sight of heaven anywhere in sight
all that was true is left behind
once i could see, now i am blind
don't want the dreams you try to sell
this disease, i give to myself

i woke up this morning with zero mobility in my right arm. slight pain but no numbness or pinching. pretty damn worried and scared, so i'm drinking gatorade and thinking of darth vader's robotic arm to calm myself down. came into work b/c staying at home would only increase my anxiety and probably pitch a full-fledged panic attack. plus, there's nothing to eat


OMG VIRGINFEST. as mentioned earlier, i went to the show with
ava and spacecowboy310 and we were all pretty psyched. showed up at the cne around mid-afternoon, had some awesome fair food, got our fingers and mouths sticky on cotton candy, and arrived at the molson amphitheatre just as MUTEMATH were setting up. perfect timing! they put on a really strong performance, and were quite charming. really nice guys. the insane drum solo in the end was definitely a show-stopper! we could've easily scored some autographs and one-on-one time with the lads but by that point we were starving for dessert [despite the giant bag of cotton candy], so we ended up walking back to the cne fairgrounds and enjoyed a delicious funnel cake

there were a few other bands in between who we skipped out on but i'm sure they brought their game. OUR LADY PEACE was next on our docket and oboy. another excellent performance! they did a really good mix of new and old material, and sang some of my fave tunes. plus, raine maida just looks prettier day by day, i swear! ♥
ava's a hardcore olp fan and she was pretty happy with the setlist [which you can ask her for if you're curious]. PET SHOP BOYS did their thang afterwards, and they got the crowd really revved up with their neat props, light shows and extremely talented dancers. abusing_sarcasm: i wish you'd been there! you would've loved it f'sure.

and last but not least, NINE INCH NAILS. oh christ. i last saw trent in action almost exactly a year ago, which is definitely TOO LONG A WAIT. it was SO DAMN GOOD. they performed for a solid 2 hours and mixed up a lot of classics with the more recent works, which i was incredibly happy about. i still can't believe how many songs he did off broken. i thought i was going to pass out when "suck" started, eheheh. I AM SO LAME. but i can't be blamed right? i must've been just 13 when i memorised the lyrics to that song. and it hasn't really been part of regular set lists for a while. if only my memory card hadn't run out of space at that time, i would've had a clip of it too, grr. luckily i have videos of some of my other faves

if he did "physical" or "perfect drug" or "reptile", i definitely would've ended up in smithereens. it ought to be illegal for this kind of music to be performed in public. it's obscenely delicious.

trent actually apologised b/c he was sick. he had a scarf around his neck the entire time, poor baby. mariqueen had better be taking good care of him. in every way possible. and the entire audience was like no, thank YOU for doing this, for performing, for giving us this much. being in a crowd that has so much love for a performer is overwhelming in the best of ways. there's this intense level of connectivity, synapses firing in hive mind mode, and it's utterly BRILLIANT.

unsurprisingly, i woke up yesterday morning feeling out of sorts. i wanted to call in sick. just lie in bed, give my aching bones some rest and listening to all my nin records on repeat. b/c this is it, this is IT. no more shows, not for the foreseeable future. i'm still having a hard time coming to terms with it even though trent announced this a while back. guh. read this article if you want to know more about nin's wave goodbye.

i did my civic duty and live-tweeted as much as i could, even when my fingers were sticky sweet from the cotton candy, numb from the cold, or jittery from the anticipation. you can find them under the #virginfest tag. i've also uploaded 70 photos and 6 video clips. i'm sharing my fave pics and all the vids for you guys. all photos of robin finck are for vyadh, while all photos of the pet shop boys are for abusing_sarcasm.






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a thousand lips, a thousand tongues
a thousand throats, a thousand lungs
a thousand ways to make it true
i want to do terrible things to you

concerts, reviews, videos, food, pics, health, melancholia, music, work

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