last week i saw a film, as i recall it was a horror film..

Jul 10, 2009 11:58

ahh, the weather's gorgeous today! feels like proper summer; thank you toronto for being on board for once. i definitely want to soak up some sun once i'm done work, and possibly catch a late show of bruno? also, sleeping might be nice since i only got 2 hrs of shuteye on wednesday night, and not much more last night *grumbles*

anyway. it's been a while since i did a linkspam post, yea? so here you go.


1) good will towards men by chash

: j2 au. hee, this is SO adorable! apparently it's based off a hallmark movie plot, but it makes for a very cute, light read.

2) stall out by gospelofus

: j2. aah, i have been craving non-au j2 and this was just perfect. like i told the author, it falls in my fave fic category - where the characters are such boys, unable to express how they feel about each other, taking forever to get what's going on, being broken and angsty until one [or both] realise what's what. bonus points if it involves self-deprecating humour, which this fic does.

3) sell your baseball cards to pay the rent by whereupon

: wincest. y'know that epiphany i had a cuppla nights ago? and then posted about here? well, this story fulfills all the requirements of what i love best in literature, just like the fic listed above.

4) so let us not talk falsely now by velvetine_01

: wincest. uhh, porn. involving very horny boys who can't stop being horny, and can't get enough of each other. yes. hell yes.

5) just another issue by ash_carpenter

: wincest. this is the kind of fic that makes it difficult for me to remember that no, wincest isn't really CANON. funny, snarky, bordering on ridiculous while still being downright hot [and a tad bit schmoopy].

6) american as apple pie by trinityofone

: dean/castiel. oh, best 4th of july fic EVAR. involves crack, hot sex, the american flag, castiel's wings, and dean winchester's glorious nekkid body. so this one's for you, neighbours from the south! i might never be able to see the stars and stripes without thinking of dean's naked arse [and no, i am NOT complaining b/c that is one sweet image].
Jared pulls an apologetic face that seems to mollify Chad, and his scowl fades. "Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you here, and it pains me to say it 'cause he doesn't need his head swelled any more than it already is, but Ackles is fucking hot. I mean, you know getting it on with a dude didn't make it onto my list of 30 Sexy Things To Do Before I'm 30-"

Jared shudders because he does know; the list is scary and he'd sincerely hoped to never have to give it head space again.

"-but I'd probably do him. I wouldn't, obviously, 'cause I know you're into monogamy and all that shit, but what I'm saying is, someone who wasn't your friend? Would hit that in a heartbeat."

"Thanks, man." Jared nods solemnly. "Means a lot to me that you'd restrain yourself like that."

from spn_j2_bigbang:

1) the protocols of friendship by lizzywinks

: j2. man, i've been bemoaning the shortage of j2 non-au in this year's BB, so this fic was a complete godsend! the best thing about it is definitely the dialogue. it's engaging, silly, funny, just the right amount of angsty, realistic and very entertaining. there are some incredible descriptions as well, which i'm going to include so you can get a taste

Well, wonder no more, comes a mocking voice from within. His feeling are apparently like a fire denied oxygen. The sudden opening of the door holding them sealed tight inside has turned the banked flames into an inferno, and he's already feeling the painful burn scorching at the dry tinder of his heart.

"Look, guys, we're a team here; friends. Hell, screw that, family. And like any other family, when mom and dad are arguing, everyone gets scared, starts worrying it's heading for the divorce courts."

"We're married now?" Jensen mutters beside him. "Who are the traumatized kids?"

Kripke frowns, and Jensen mimes zipping his mouth shut. "I meant a metaphorical marriage, Jackles. And we're all the kids."

"You too?" Jared braves the question, because if Jensen is gonna be prodding the bear that Kripke has suddenly turned into, he sure as hell isn't going to pussy out. Also if that is the case, and Kripke is inexplicably now their small, balding, 30-year-old child, it seems he and Jensen should be taking significantly less crap from him than they are right now.

"What?" Kripke shakes his head impatiently. "Of course not. How can I be one of your kids? It's my show - if anything you're my kids."

Jensen uncrosses his legs and recrossed them; right calf over left knee, the heel of his boot brushing Jared's thigh. Jared feels another notch of tension leave him.

"I'm confused," Jensen says. "Are we both still men, or does one of us have female reproductive organs now?"

"I call no uterus!"


1) my latest edition of the quibbler_report can be found here.

2) omg hello harry potter hotties: i know maevemist will like this one b/c it has both the phelps twins. tom felton looks gorgeous, and i ain't complaining about matt lewis either!

3) bonnie wright photos: bonnie looks so pretty here! this is what i want ginny to look like in the movies instead of the plain bland version we always see

4) young neil gaiman in a suit: this was taken in 1993 at the world fantasy convention in minnealpolis. he looks so adorable.

5) CORNBRATOR: AHAHAH WTF A CORN VIBRATOR! lol i would be laughing WAY TOO MUCH to ever enjoy something as wacky as this

6) a little extra weight may protect from early death: key word being "little".


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reviews, ship: j2, fanart, fangirlin' over gaiman, harry potter, fics, quibbler_report, ship: other, supernatural, jensen ackles, wtf is this shit?!, health, movies, ship: wincest, tv, recs, jared padalecki, work, weather

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