since a few of you expressed interest in participating in a journal exchange, i will be making a separate post shortly regarding just that. so stay tuned for it!
how was everyone's weekend? mine was quite nice, although i spent the majority of it at home. friday night's b'day partay was kickarse even though minor modifications were made to the original plans. i took some fun pics, will post them soon. saturday was spent dyeing my hair [which is a glorious shade of purplish black right now] and yes, i have photos of that as well. let's just hope that the colour doesn't revert to the default brown shade i always get stuck with after a handful of washes *crosses fingers*
finally saw
the bf after ages! we watched wall-e together, i introduced him to the new red leather couch *smirks* and we ate good food. all of yesterday was spent making lists and packing for the upcoming holiday [as
aki_hoshi and
ava will readily confirm
] and watching jumper at night.
since i've been craving some good ole-fashioned d/g, i spent my spare time re-reading faves and searching for newer post-DH works. sadly, either there isn't enough demand or desire for it, or authors have left fandom, or - i dunno what. luckily, the 2008
dgficexchange will be posting soon so that's something to look fwd to.
however, my main complaint with het [or at least recent het, when i end up reading it] is that there's never enough angst. not enough quality stories exploring a realistic post-war world. it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom; god knows i adore humorous fics, but i'm an angstwhore at heart and i find that het seriously lacks in that department. or to be more precise, at least het involving ships i like lack in that. why can't we have a het equivalent of works in the style of
furiosity or
rurounihime or
freudian_fuckup? y'know, stories that will make me forget to breathe and will make me psychoanalyse not only the characters in the stories but my own life?
another thing is the sex part of things. i find that a lot of het ends up being all purple prose, which makes me scrunch up my nose or snort with laughter. there are a lot of older stories i've read which are amazing when it came to all the coital stuff, but new material? nuh-huh. and that makes me sad b/c as much as slash is my first love, i think het sex is awesome too, and i don't want to be denied great smut reading material.
so if any of you very talented authors on the flist are itching to try your hand at something different, write me a believable and heartaching d/g story. i'm serious!
anyway, let's move on to some..
how harry potter became a pervert by
faithwood: HAHAHAH! o man, this was just too hilarious.
1b) and she posted
part 2 today! looks like there will be one more installment to this gut-busting tale
handy man by
dirty_darella: i really like the concept explored here. i can't say much more b/c i don't want to spoil the story, but you'll see what i mean when you read my comment to it at the end. also, it's scorchingly hot.
mirror magic by tudorrose1533: d/g angst, WOOT. i LOVE this story. it's excellent. no wonder it won "best dark fic" in last year's
cedar, columbine; coriander and hemlock by tudorrose1533: this one's brilliant too. i really like the meaning behind all the flowers, and the ending will just make your heart clench.
mountains to climb by humbuggirl: this is by one of my fave d/g authors and she doesn't disappoint. you get to visit all parts of the world with draco and ginny, it's funny, hot and compliant with all but the epilogue too!
1) here is a lovely
candid shot of dRad with piece of original prop from equus. as usual, my thanks to
DRACO MALFOY IN THE BATHROOM IN THE HBP TRAILER. guh! guh guh guh! so so so good.
twilight unscripted with rpattz, kristen stewart and smyer. thanks to
ava for emailing me this! [btw the 20 seconds we see of kristen stewart at the end of jumper had me confused; i literally thought "what the fuck is bella doing here?!" i was even more confuddled since she was standing in a huge modernistic mansion surrounded by snow, which could very well be a cullen property in some remote part of the world].
4) not sure if this is 100% correct, but this is what
johnny depp might look like as the mad hatter in tim burton's rendition of one of my fave childhood stories, alice in wonderland. he looks a bit odd but i lurve it, so i'm hoping this is correct!
and that's it for today! i haven't browsed through my flist since friday so there are probably a few more stories and links i could've shared. i'll just have to relegate them to the next post