Not-searched, again.

Aug 09, 2011 18:54

Who: Lujayn, Rhaelyn
Where: Lujayn's Weyr, HRW
When: Day 13, month 6, turn 26

Rhaelyn comes by with a bribe thank-you gift. Lujayn doesn't return the favor.

Funny that there's no one to stop a random girl from tip-toeing around the complex of the leadership. Perhaps because the dragons of the Leaders are on the sands with those slowly hardening eggs. Or, because it's the time of day when many people are either working or enjoying time outside. Then again, who expects a girl to just come nosing around? Rhaelyn is bold like that and here she comes on her naked feet to peer into Lujayn's doorway with a tray balanced in her hands.

Lujayn's back is to the entrance, seated on the couch in front of the hearth. A book in her hands, she sits quietly and it's just as well that Rhaelyn doesn't make a loud appearance. There are more minds looking out for the weyr than just this goldrider, however. At some distant word from Rielsath she folds her page, sets the book carefully on the table and turns to look at the peering girl. "Can I help you?" She asks, not moving from her seat, mildly curious about the islander's presence here.

The wide-eyes of the exile take in the goldrider's quarters, particularly the domesticated plants in their pots and the hearth and all it's decorations. "Oh." Not expecting to be noticed so quickly, Rhaelyn tries to school her expression and not be caught gaping like a fish. "I was hoping you might be in." The tray in her hand is transfered so she's offering it out before her. "I wasn't able to...extend my thanks to you before." It's a challenge not to let her eyes drift to the vases and the cushions or that bookshelf. No, she keeps her attention on the rider.

With Rielsath on the ledge, it would be hard for anyone to approach unnoticed. Lujayn stands with the same relaxed air, apparently enjoying a midday break, approaching the door. She doesn't so much invite Rhaelyn in as motion her forward, stepping up to the stone table that's nearer to the door. "I appreciate it," She smiles, speaking gently as if to a skittish animal. Rhaelyn does look the part, with the controlled eyes and hesitant manners. In the same careful way she reaches for the offered tray, setting it on the table with a cursory glance. "Sorry if I startled you. Rielsath is pretty vigilant these days about people skulking around."

Dragon guard! That would explain it, and the exile should have known as much. Shouldn't she? "She was so still..." Rhaelyn murmurs as she looks back over her shoulder, "I expect her to stop me." More at ease now that she's not being quickly escorted back out, her gaze does sneak around to covet a few of the plush and comfortable items. The tray is released to the goldrider's care and her attention focuses there swiftly, "I didn't mean to intrude on your private time." On the tray are a few pretty items from the kitchen. Sugared fruit in a little cup, a small edge of creamcheese-cake and a refreshing minty drink. "I don't know if the drink is any good, but someone was raving about it."

"She," Lujayn begins, pulling out a chair and nodding for Rhae to do the same. "Isn't sitting up there with a clutch of eggs. Paranoia is only so far in catching, and a tray of food is not usually poisoned. Though here, who knows," A little smirk, of course thinking of Iovniath and her shell-hardened eggs. Noting the single drink, "Why don't you sit down? It's not an easy climb up here. I have a water pitcher and some tea leaves if you want something for yourself. I don't get visitors up here very often. Even if I had been working," She admits, "I probably would spare the time. What's brought you here?" Reaching for the drink, she smooths off drops of condensation while waiting for Rhae's reaction.

The reaction is that Rhae arches her eyebrows and lowers her gaze so that her cruel eyes are masked by the dark lashes. "You speak as though you've had poisoning incidents at the weyr. How very dangerous." The modest look faulters though as the seat is indicated, "I..." It's enough to unbalance her, but not enough for her to show her hand. "It's not such a difficult climb. Why, if you knew more of our cliffs back home." Sneaking a look at the chair first she hesitates and then slowly sinks into it. "The refreshments are for you. But, I could have a nibble to show it's 'safe'."

Lujayn shakes her head, turning the tray to face Rhaelyn. "Not that I know of," Her own eyes dance with the joke. "But it's not nearly as polite for me to stuff myself in front of you without offering to share." A pause. "I do remember the cliffs." The rider sits back with the drink in hand, thinking back... months? A turn? "It seems so long since we found your island."

Making a soft sound of agreement, Rhaelyn nods her head, but admits, "I don't remember everyone who was there helping us." She looks at the treats but doesn't sample anything. Instead there's a thoughtful frown, "Feels like a lifetime." It's not exactly homesickness in her tone, "I can't believe some of our number would want to go back there." As for sharing? Her head shakes, "Please, these are snacks for you. You helped me at the gather."

"It was Taikrin, Z'yi and I," Lujayn spins the tray again, picking up one of the treats pressed onto her with a small sigh. "First on the rocky shores. Khorde fainted and there was a lot of screaming about sea monsters." She tries not to impinge on the dignity of islanders too much, but everything always seems funnier as time passes. Or not, if you're someone who had to deal with the world turning upside-down. Deciding Rhae isn't the type to get all sensitive about it, Lu cracks a grin. "Most of you have done so well since coming here. Adapting, I mean. This is a completely new life for you, and you're thanking /me/ with kitchen sweets." Not that they aren't tasty. Nibbling carefully, the goldrider listens with a sympathetic ear. "I understand homesickness. I've even heard a few people wanting to go back there. You wouldn't?"

"I didn't faint. Or scream." Rhaelyn says, going on the record as being one of the brave souls. Right? "I also didn't wet myself going between." Since that happened. "But, it doesn't seem as though that matters. I could have screamed and cried and pulled at my hair. But that never helps." Tantrums that is. Her smile is impish at the reminder of Khorde fainting. He might not find it nearly as funny surely, but since he's not here, she can enjoy it. "We are working at learning the ways of the mainland. Finding where we might fit. No, I wouldn't go back. Instead I would like to try to fit in better here." Again that coy look through her lashes. "I think if you would not have gotten Ylynna to let me alone, I would have become someone's carry-girl. A drudge, that is what they called it." Slave in otherwords.

"Where do you fit, then?" Lujayn spins the question around as easily as the tray, gaze locked on whatever's beneath those coy lashes. "You would have been seen back to the Weyr, probably with a less favorable experience of Gathers, but I don't think anyone would make you a drudge for borrowing a dress." The flattery, the continued implication of thanks - they make her uneasy and she frowns. "That's a bit dramatic."

"Dramatic? Oh, of course they wouldn't have -really- kept me." The weyr has dibs right? Rhaelyn purses her lips as she answers the last part first, "If you could have heard some of the things...well, it doesn't matter." She scoots to the edge of the chair and meets the goldrider's eye straight on. "I don't know where I fit. I'm still trying to find the right pieces. I think...if I were allowed to might provide some answers." Heavy handed perhaps, but that's Rhae.

"It's true I didn't know what the situation was, exactly," Lujayn recalls the Gather Incident, setting her drink on the table and folding her hands. "It was clear that something was up, Ylynna was acting like a git, and you needed help." The small sweet is gone as well, leaving no distractions between the two. "It can take time. Try different things, find what you /like/ to do," Eye to eye with the girl at long last, the rider's nerves settle and she returns the gaze with unwavering strength. Getting down to brass tacks is something Lu excels at, and she does it now: "I can't give you permission to stand."

Rhaelyn doesn't explain more about the arrangements that were made for the gather, only a shrug accents the fact that it's done and over with now. Today she's onto other things. A shame that the goldrider isn't giving her what she wants though. Her eyebrows lift slowly, "You can't?" Not backing down, but trying to angle around to get to the meat of the matter, "Why not? Our elders indicated we -should-." She doesn't look away, trying to read in the expression what the voice may not give away.

Lujayn doesn't intend to get into a war of words with Rhaelyn, but her tone is sharper than usual. "You know why, I believe. In addition to your poor behavior in the galleries," A deep breath as a certain someone stirs on the ledge outside. "An egg was damaged and Iovniath's let none of the candidates see her eggs since." Also not about to start explaining why it's so important that candidate-egg interaction occurs, she blocks the protests. "It's a duty to the Weyr to stand," She continues wearily; how many times has that phrase come out of her mouth in recent days? "But not for everyone. And not for you. Not this time." Is it pity in her gray eyes or true regret? The situation is an unhappy one, but it's reality.

Rhaelyn's expression doesn't change in the intensity, as though she could, by sheer will alone, sway the goldrider's mind. "I see." There's not even a change to show any emotion other than thoughtfulness, this wasn't the response she had expected clearly. There's no begging, she has too much pride for that so she gives a slow roll of her shoulders. "As I expected. The weyr is short on forgiveness."

It may be the quietest argument Lujayn has ever found herself in. She's not hauling up defenses or lashing with barbed tongue, merely explaining now. Respect for the girl's self-control cannot sway her. "If that's all, I suggest you leave." Lu's said her piece and there are no frills to be added, no cause for her to rally. It doesn't matter if Rhaelyn agrees or not, at least not to her. For all the effort and attempts to manipulate, the girl might as well have poisoned her treats.

Rhaelyn breaths out a little sniff for the dismisal. She purposefully takes her time in gathering herself up. A little brush at her leg to flick some lint that dare settle upon her, a slow stretch of her shoulders before her hands ease to the arms of the chair. "Well, there's always more. But I won't waste your precious time." Feeling the stamp of disaproval the rider is putting on her clearly. Her own eyes sweep over the goldrider, reminding herself that the other is as human as she is. Then she's on her feet and walks out, leaving her pretty poison pastries behind.

rhaelyn, @hrw

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