Stories around the campfire

Mar 08, 2008 20:46

Who: Basquirin, Fraya, Lujayn, Milani, Niena
When: day 31, month 7, Turn 15
Where: Fishing Pond, HRW
Summary: People gather around a bonfire to hear stories and share some of their own (OOC thanks to Fraya for organization). Lujayn has fun with long-unused knowledge (what's a preposition?).

Niena continues, in a worried voice. "Then the little firelizard found out he was lost. He didn't know how to get home. He was sad. He walked with his head down along the beach. A big old wherry came up behind him. He didn't see it. And you know what the mean old wherry did? He jumped on the little blue firelizard!" At this she makes a sudden lunge forward.

Lujayn sneaks up into the back of the group, trying to move quietly so as not to interrupt the storytelling. She settles down and draws up her knees, head tilted to one side, listening.

Basquirin leans closer towards Niena, carefully cradling the sulking brown firelizard in his arms. Every now and then, there is a distant gaze in his eyes, and he seems to be thinking about something else entirely different, before eventually returning his attention to Niena's story.

In a like position, still near the back, Milani listens from a perch on a rock, companionably shared with another caverns-staff worker.

Fraya makes another face at this, tilting her head slightly. Lujayn's sneaking doesn't go unnoticed and she waves her hand to motion the other candidate over towards the group formed. There's a squeak as Niena speaks of the firelizard being jumped upon by the wherry. "Oh! How awful!" She exclaims softly, making a face and slightly sulking. "Poor thing..."

Niena continues, "The firelizard got away. He flew and flew and flew and flew! The wherry gave up. But the little blue was hurt. His wing was bent." She shift to present tense. "And now he's laying on a rock. He needs to hear something happy. So, guess what you have to do?" In a hushed but exceited whisper, she says "You need to clap like this!" She claps her hands. "If the little blue firelizard hears you clapping, he will know someone cares. And if someone cares, he can find his way home. So, everyone clap!"

Milani laughs a little at Niena's very earnest manner, but she lifts her hands from around her knees and claps as directed.

Lujayn leans forward, catching on to the track of the story after a few moments. She smiles in the darkness, a bit embarrassed, but brings her hands together with a sharp clap when Niena prompts her audience. Gotta help the firelizard, right?

A startled squawk is issued when Basquirin tries to lift his hands to clap. The chubby youngling in his hand looks up at his humanpet with a rather sullen expression, and one could almost swear that the little brown had bags under his eyes. "Don't worry, you know I love you," he whispers to the chubby 'lizard, before finally clapping as directed

Fraya squeaks at the turn of the story, her cheeks flushing a shade of pink but she claps her hands nonetheless, giggling softly as she does so. She shoots Basq a look and grinning slowly, peeking about to the other people around the bonfire and noticing the embarrassed claps. She giggles more, clapping her hands again.

After a few more moments spent listening, Milani quietly slides to her feet, puts her shoes back on and drifts away through the darkness back towards the lower caverns.

Niena gives a relieved smile. "The little blue firelizard heard us! His wing started feeling better. Then he heard a chirp nearby. He had heard it before. It was his mommy firelizard! He flew over and she cheeped at him happily. So the little blue firelizard is home now, thanks to you!" After this the former nanny quickly sits down, looking a bit embarrassed herself.

Fraya giggles, clapping her hands together. "That was good, Niena! I liked it!" She giggles more, settling back into her seat and settling the plate on her lap to the ground. Her fingers lace together and she peeks about curiously. "I wonder if anyone else'll tell a story..."

Lujayn continues to clap, applauding Niena's story. "Just got here," She clears her throat and stands, moving from the back of the group to where she can see food situated, talking all the while. "So I don't know what kinds of stories have already been told, but it's always fun to make one up as you go." She grins, taking another seat nearer to the fire, plate loaded up. "First," She pauses for effect (or just to take a bite of that meatroll, probably), "I need the name of a person." Appealing to those around her.

Niena volunteers "Sevel?"

Fraya watches Lujayn with interest, her brow quirking before she grins. "Yay, Lujayn will tell us a story?" She asks curiously, but cuts herself short when Lujayn asks for a name. She blinks, considering for a moment as she bites her meatroll. "Hmmm." Another bite. "Laren?" Pause. "Keren." A firm nod of her head and she moves her foot to gently poke at Basq's chair.

"Don't know 'em," Lujayn admits, hearing several unfamiliar names, but decides to go with it. "Sevel, was it? Just two more things and I promise I'll tell a great story." She doesn't seem bothered about taking her time. "First, another person, place, or thing. And second, I need a ..." She's having trouble remembering this one. "Oh, a preposition. Y'know, like for, to, around, stuff like that." She grins, enjoying herself more and more as time goes on.

Fraya laughs, shrugging her shoulders. "I like odd names." She offers, finishing off her meatroll but not moving from her seat as Lujayn's starting. "Ah.. I want Keren! And.. Place.. Um.. In a lake!" She giggles, tilting her head. "A what now?" She stares blankly at Lujayn, pressing her lips together and she leans back in her seat, locking her fingers together pleasantly. "Someone else think of that thing."

"Keren can be in it, too." Lujayn decides, hearing a smattering of things from the crowd. "A lake! And," Less for the trickier word, but she doesn't take too long laughing it off with them. "In, how about. I sat in with some harper lessons today," As if that explains everything. "This is the story of Sevel and Keren in the lake.
Sevel and Keren were not very responsible boys. They liked to ditch chores and run around on the beach, and liked it especially when the older residents tried to chase them down. They knew all the best hiding places and would just wait until their pursuers passed before going out to have more fun." Lu explains, "One hot day, those rogues Sevel and Keren were out on the lakeshore skipping rocks instead of helping in the kitchens. Suddenly a yelling came from the direction of the bowl, and they knew they had to run - who was chasing after them? Name someone we all know." Oh, the possibilities. The current storyteller smiles wickedly.

Fraya lets out a cheer, giggling happily. "Yay! At the lake, too." She giggles, crossing her legs now as she ponders for a moment. She lets out a soft hum, nibbling on her bottom lip. "Oh! Milani! Milani! I pick Milani." She cheers, giggling. Glancing at Lujayn, she waits.

"Right, it was the great and fearsome Milani, who everyone knew gave the worst punishments and would end their fun for sure. Keren, who was the smarter of the two boys, realized that they would need a hiding place that not even Milani could find, because she would never stop until she found them and put them back to work. Sevel was stronger, though, and was able to help his friend climb up a rope into a fishing boat that was just leaving for the day before going in himself. No one saw them get on, and so they thought their plan was a success.
But before long, they began to get very hungry. The sun was hot, and their hiding place was small and cramped. The fishers were all enjoying lunch, but neither of the boys could move about without being discovered." A small pause to wet her throat, letting the story linger. "They knew that Milani would still be out looking for them, so they stayed put. It got to be so hot, and they were so uncomfortable, that Keren just couldn't take it. He jumped up and over the side of the boat, landing with a big splash right in the middle of the lake. All the fishers heard it, of course, and Sevel was quick to follow before they came and discovered him. None of the fishermen could find what had made such a splash, because the boys were able to hide in the boat's shadow. They were ages away from shore and still without lunch; even though they were good swimmers they weren't quite /that/ good.
It was then that Sevel spotted the little canoe, sneaking its way out from shore. Paddling it was none other than Milani," Oh dear. "Who had seen them jump from the boat and had known it was them. Well, she was nice enough to haul them into her canoe and take them back to shore. They had to work until late that night cleaning the lower caverns for Hayda, all in their sopping wet clothes, and still without lunch." Lujayn concludes with a mournful tone, but winks up at the audience. "They were never quite as bad after that."
Lujayn stands to refill her plate, somehow empty despite the large amount of talking she had been doing. "And that's the story of Sevel and Keren in the lake." She makes a little nod of thanks to some applause, ears still open to hear if anything is coming next while she gathers up the food.

Fraya laughs at the story, clapping her hands together. "Oh! Lovely Lujayn!" She laughs once more, rising and moving to fetch some more food. "Hmm. Sevel and Keren the trouble-makers.. I like it." Piling the food onto her plate, she grins. "Hmm. Maybe I'll tell another story... Maybe someone else should, though?" Grinning, she begins to nibble at bits of food she's gathered.

Lujayn picks a rock near enough so she can still bask in the bonfire's warmth. "Anyone want some of these rolls? They're getting cold," She lifts up her plate, looking between a few potential storytellers. "I hate wasting food."

Fraya glances at Lujayn, nodding her head. "I'd like some, yes." She grins happily, moving to take a few from Lujayn and glancing around. "Hmm. Doesn't look like anyone really wants to tell any stories." She giggles and settles into a near by chair. "Oh well. Did I tell you about that person who said they heard a dragon?" She asks, tilting her head curiously.

Lujayn steps over several people on her way to pass the plate to Fraya, looking sleepy-eyed. "I hope you feel like telling that one in the morning," She jokes, torn between listening (which will lead to sleeping by the pond) and leaving (sleeping in a bed). Eventually she fades back into the night, just another sleepy candidate.

candidate, fraya, basquirin, milani, niena

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