Firelizard Mail

Mar 08, 2008 14:33

Who: Brennie, P'draig, Palia
When: day 31, month 7, Turn 15
Where: Weyrlingmaster's Quarters, FTW
Summary: Brennie delivers a note to Fort Weyr from Lujayn.

The weyrlingmaster currently sits on the floor with his toddler daughter, the two of them rolling a little ball back and forth. Palia laughs and P'draig's own firelizards doze in front of the hearth in a messy tangle of blue and green limbs. "Whee, here it comes, Palia!" And the ball goes gently rolling to her.

A deep green firelizard the color of the sea blinks out of /between/ just near the weyrling barracks, attracted towards P'draig's weyr by the sound of laughter. She enters with a great fluttering of wings, touching down on the edge of the hearth with a haughty look for the two lazy 'lizards already there.

Lady and Pip doze on, unaware, but P"draig looks up at the sound of wings, curious. The ball hits him lightly in the knee as Palia rolls it back and he leans forward to rub at the spot, then hands the ball back to her. "Looks like we've got a message, sweetheart, play with your ball for a minute while I tempt that pretty girl with something and get the scroll off her leg." A moment later, he's pulling some leftover meatrolls off a shelf and hunkering down near the visitor with part of one held out. "Hey there you. Aren't you one of Lu's?" Noting the banding.

Brennie shuffles coyly to one side, ever the teasing lady, but her eyes never leave the meatroll in the brownrider's hand. She trills with the hint of a question at the end, neck outstretched hopefully and gaze fixed. Lu? Oh no, just that treat, please... Her wings fan slightly, snout nosing forward to daintily take the reward. All hers.

P'draig keeps the meatroll on offer steadily until it's taken then he offers fingers, seeking out an eyeridge. "And aren't you looking pretty today too," he compliments her, grinning at the teasing behavior.

Her first thought is to back off with the prize, especially with the presence of Lady and Pip, but Brennie is a sucker for caresses. She chews happily, if not noisily, putty in P'draig's hand when he offers it. The scroll drags along behind with a scraping noise against the hearth, and the green turns to regard it accusingly. What's this annoying thing? Snacks, petting, and...a letter. Right. Lifting her hind leg delicately, Brennie creels and shakes it. Get it off, get it offff. Whimper.

P'draig scritches some more, then gently gathers the pretty green into one arm and loosens the message from her leg. "There you go, you must be Brennie. And for your trouble ..." He sets her down with a final caress and leaves her the rest of the meatroll while he opens up the note and reads it.

Brennie squirms in P'draig's hold, just enough to make it clear she won't be manhandled. Then the letter's gone; she clambers onto the hearth with a stretch and another haughty look for those who sleep the day away, chomping heartily at the meatroll's remnants. Unrolling the scroll, it's Lujayn's handwriting:

Hello everyone,
Summer at High Reaches is going well. The tail end of spring was chilly, but by now it's as hot as it would be at Fort and I spend a lot of time by the lake when I can. We got to see the eggs last seven, and the dragonhealers say they might hatch soon.
Visitors came from all over to see a firelizard hatching yesterday, even a group of Istans and a loud Bitran girl. Eshandra's daughter is a candidate here, along with some other people from the Reaches area. There are a few from Tillek and another all the way from Igen, but I think I'm the only one from Fort.
A small blot of ink smudges out what might have been another line, but the letter continues in conclusion:
I miss you all and hope you're well. Please come and watch the hatching if you can, or visit any time. I'm having lots of fun here.
Love, Lujayn

P'draig reads over the note and smiles a little, sets it aside then rises to find some scrap hide in a drawer, sits down with his own pen and scrawls a quick return. "Dear Lu,

Milani's hankering after a visit so I'll be up this seven with Palia and you can pretty much bank on my whole family being at the Hatching! I'll let other folks here know though.

See you soon, Paddy". He waits a moment, then rolls up the scroll and hands Brennie another meatroll so he can get the return message back onto her leg. "Take that home with you Brennie, take it to Lu," he says emphatically and fixes an image of Lujayn in his mind while he says it, then he backs off to where Palia's happily noshing on her ball.

Brennie has finished her first treat and is considering the exit, though Palia's ball-chewing keeps her intrigued. Can she eat that, too? Apparently the green would rather eat meat, because P'draig's offer is advanced upon with none of that coyness exhibited earlier. What's this? He's tricked her. Brennie snarfs down the food only to find another note attached to her leg, but cooperates willingly. After all, finding Lujayn means more food... As soon as she's aloft she vanishes /between/, just a hint of briny green lingering in the spot where she used to be.

brennie, palia, p'draig

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