I had a longer post about recent fandoms, but as it's late, I'll just do some video clips for now.
Today I finished watching Static Shock, a cartoon from the early 2000s set in the DC animated universe [DCAU], which is a fancy way of saying it takes place in the same continuity as shows like Batman Beyond and Justice League. The series stars Virgil Hawkins who, after being accidentally exposed to a mutigenic gas, gains electromagnetic powers and becomes a superhero named Static. My favourite aspect of the series, however, is the relationship between Virgil, his family, and his best friend. I enjoyed the series much more than expected and am sorry I waited so long to finish it.
By way of videos, I will link to
"Amuse Yourself With Slash Implications 3". As the name implies, it's mostly a set of subtexty clips featuring Virgil and his best friend, Richie. However, some of my favourite and funniest moments are in this montage. If you watch anything, skip to 1:38 -- Virgil and Richie's spontaneous song and dance cracks me up every time I see it. The clip right after is also great: "Oh yes, V, my blood runs thick with herring and sour cream!"
Over to Batman Beyond, which stars an old Bruce Wayne and a new Batman in the form of Terry McGinnis. Unlike Static Shock, I watched Batman Beyond when it first aired. Similar to Static Shock, the relationship between Bruce and Terry is one of the show's highlights.
This is a short exchange between Terry and Bruce from season one's "Shriek" (my favourite episode) that provides an idea of their dynamic.
I also found
a clip of Batman Beyond's Japanese dub, which in Japan is called 『バットマン・ザ・フューチャー』 [Battoman・ze・fyuuchaa; Batman: The Future]. I swear Terry sounds like he's being voiced by Miki Shinichirou [Tsuzuki in Yami no Matsuei, among many others], but Wikipedia says it's Kawashima Tokuyoshi, who I've never heard before. Bruce is voiced by Genda Tesshou [Younger Toguro from Yuu Yuu Hakusho, and, oddly enough, Tigger from Kingdom Hearts]. The dub sounds good and is faithful to the English, though Bruce's voice seems a little too deep. Interestingly, Terry refers to Bruce as 'Bruce'. (Terry does call Bruce by his first name, but usually refers to him as 'Mr. Wayne' when talking to his mom or other adults.)
Lastly, I can't bring up Batman Beyond without linking to
Batman: The Musical! from the episode "Out of the Past." There's singing, there's dancing, there's Terry being enthusiastic, and there's Bruce being grumpy. I don't think there's any more I could ask for.