The cat in this YouTube video is probably what you'd get if the main protagonist of the Thief games had been a feline. :p (Link from the
TTLG's General Thief forum.)
Below the cut are selected screencaps from various Thief 2 fan missions I've played over the past year or so.
Inspired by
SneakyJack's reviews, I've cut off the Thief HUD [health bar, light gem, and inventory items] in most of the screencaps. I've also adjusted the brightness and contrast so you can actually see what's going on.
To download any of these fan missions, you can go to
Cheap Thief Missions,
Thief: The Circle,
The Keep of Metal and Gold,
Darklurker, or
Thief: The Dark Fate. (Most of the time, Cheap Thief Missions or Thief: The Circle will have what you're looking for.) You can also check out
TTLG's Thief Fan Missions forum.
A.K.A. Noah by Volgelfrei (for KoMaG's Water Contest)
I like the placement of the harp in the background and the fancy jar and horn on display; if only those fish would actually stay in their tank.
Another fish swimming through air. (Fish bug aside [I found it funny], I really liked the design of the house area and the fish themselves look good.)
The Ashen Age part 1 by Sliptip
This mission is simply gorgeous, also notable for being one of the few to take place during the daytime.
Beautiful arches, beautiful lighting, beautiful texturing . . .
Possibly my favourite screencap, even though I accidentally hit my quicksave key right before.
An interior. The light filtering through the window makes it feel cozy.
Hmm. A guard standing right behind a patch of sunlight . . . I'd better find an alternate route.
Looking up a walkway to the sky.
The First Day of Winter by PinkDot (for The Glyph of Hammer & Trowel Contest)
Your home awaits. Great atmosphere.
Snow, water, and a lovely waterfall.
Flowers for a Friend by P Forth (for the Thief Anniversary Contest)
The cemetery to which you have come to leave a flower for a friend. I love the colour scheme, city background, and blood red moon.
A close-up of the cemetery fountain.
The Kill Factory by Sliptip (for The Total Crap Contest)
This is a very unusual and creative mission, mostly in black and white with 'dancing' textures, in which you run around on moving tracks and knock out lazy workers while trying not to get clobbered by giant mallets. Great fun.
I wonder where my next victim is . . .
The Tower by Lady Rowena (for the Thief Anniversary Contest; winner)
I adore this mission. There's a lot of gameplay in a relatively small space and the story is well developed with a twist. Moreover, everything sounds and looks great and all the characters are fleshed out. A perfect reminder of why I love Thief. (Few screencaps because I completely forgot about taking any early on and most of the ones I have are of the twist ending.)
The choice of art on the wall here particularly struck me. Very fitting.
The Way of the Sword by Jason Otto [Ottoj55]
This is a Japanese-inspired mission. I like the choice of art on the wall and the tray of sushi and tea kettle on the table.
What Lies Below: The Crusade for the Old Quarter by Russ Robbins [Yandros] (for KoMaG's Water Contest; winner)
I haven't played much of this mission yet, but it's very striking. This screencap is from the beginning of the level.
Black and white sewers with green water. I'm sure nothing creepy will happen here . . .