Some of the people I follow here I do so because I enjoy the link collections they regularily post.... sometimes I'm tempted to do a post of a bunch of links I find interesting, but then, having gathered most my readers via fandom, I feel like this might be taken as too impersonal and not something people following me would want to see. OTOH it would get me posting more often, and you'd know I wasn;t dead or disappeared, but I dont want to it at the risk of alienating those who are just waiting for me to eventually announce a fic update, if that is the majority of what people are here for.
So what say you all....? Want some link spam, or should I keep that to myself?
(Topics BTW would likely be stuff related to disability issues, animals, science, class, race, gender, war, history etc. I doubt I'd post much if any fannish stuff as it'd likely be HP related, and I'd feel compelled to include a long angry rant about HP canon and/or JKR's oral diarrhoea.)
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