Jun 22, 2007 19:09
you wanna no what the best feeling in the world is..
ill give you a hint.
its not climbing to the top of mount everest
its not taking that pee after you have been holding it for an hour
and its definately not going on the biggest rollarcoaster in the world after waiting in a 3hour line
,.. no im not talking about feeling it inside
like love..
or pain..
or any of that stuff
the best thing to me in the world
the best feeling in the world that shoots my endorphines sky high
its when you strip down to your birthday suit
take a foot inside a streamy bathroom
pull back the curtain.. and thats when you melt
and feel like your melting
and as your favourite song is on full blast in the room next to you
you start to belt out the words
and because no ones around
you leave the door open
and you sing even louder
and as your singing
hot water is drenching your entire body
and you feel like your floating
and you can't help but feel so free
so alone
so incredibly happy
and you never want to leave
you just dont want to step out.. ever
until your fingers are pruned and your body as red as a cherry
and then you smell the sweetness of the air
and the soap bubbling all around you
and you feel beautiful
and good smelling
and you smile
as you forget the words to the song
and you laugh at yourself
eventhough no ones around
eventhough you know what you must sound like..
but you dont care
because your experiencing nothing short than
...the best feeling in the world.
and you probably thought i was going to talk about sex.