Day 5 - Suck it up

Sep 21, 2009 22:33

For one week, recommend / share:
Day 1: a song
Day 2: a picture
Day 3: a book
Day 4: a site
Day 5: a youtube clip
Day 6: a quote
Day 7: whatever tickles your fancy

Okay, I'm not linking just one. Just a warning.

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I love this crab. The Honda & Friends series captures my heart in terms of commercials.

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This commercial straightup makes me crack up every time. From "ZABUZA SWORD CANNOT BE BEAT!" to the dude's saddened expression at the end, it's just a laugh.

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Made by the same people who brought you POWERTHIRST, I actually prefer this one better. I don't know why. Maybe the dreadhawk. Probably the dreadhawk.

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Wanna be freaked out by how awesome plants are? Watch this. Cordyceps = holy awesome. Now imagine a human cordyceps fungus. 8) (Bonus: the insanely off-topic convo in the comments)

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This is your standard Japanese variety show, and they're having a count down to... well, crazy birds. This owl is the #1 wackiest- as a matter of interest, it's a Southern White Faced Scops owl from South Africa displaying its defensive behavior. It's just really interesting- I wish I could've seen the rest of the show, though!

I may well add more as I think of them, mind you.
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