Halloween party...gone wrong

Oct 30, 2005 20:43

Last night was one of the strangest nights I've had in a long time. I went to my friend Billy's house for a Halloween party. I was expecting to have an ok, not great, time. Which, for the most part, is what happened. I realize that I have nothing in common with most of the people who go to his parties. Well, except for the fact that a lot of them graduated from my high school. But as far as the paths that our lives have taken since then, we have almost nothing in common. Don't get me wrong, some of them are really nice people. But a lot of them don't have a college education and are working at dead end jobs. Well, for myself I would consider them dead end jobs. Perhaps they really like their jobs and I'm just being judgemental. But whatever the truth is, I was not around people who are at all like me last night. They are still living in Walled Lake doing the same things they have been doing since high school. In some ways it made me feel good about myself. I know that I have gone out and accomplished a lot. Not everything that I want to accomplish, but I have a good start on it.

But anyway, that was not the strange part of the night. The strange part of the night was that I was actually a part of my first "girl fight" ever. I mean, not a physical fight but pretty damn close. There was a girl there who was looking for a fight, and somehow I took the bait. She kept making snide remarks and bitchy comments to Bily's girlfriend, Alex. I finally got so sick of it that I left the living room to go to the garage to talk to Billy. On my way there I had to pass Kristin, the girl who was being bitchy. The door to the garage sticks and I was having trouble opening it, so some guy tried helping me out with it and somehow accidently locked it. Kristin comes over to open it, yanks on it a few times, realizes that the guy accidently locked it, unlocked the door and struggled with it for another minute. Finally she pulled it open, turned to me and was like, "well, maybe it would open if you hadn't locked it". So calmy I said, "Kristin, it was unlocked when I was trying to open it, this other guy must have accidently locked it". To which she responded quite saracasticly that I must not know how to open doors, oh Poor Jody, that kind of bullshit.

So I went out to the garage, pulled Billy aside and gave him some friendly advice. Basically that based on what I had seen all night, he needed to choose between Alex, his girlfriend, and Kristin, his best friend and roommate. His choice what he does, but I thought that as his friend, he should know how they were treating each other when he wasn't around. So then I went back in, struggled with the (unlocked) door again, had Billy open it, and was greeted by Kristin who, again, made fun of Poor Jody for not being able to open the door (which Billy admits does stick). I turned to Billy, said "this is what I mean", grabbed my pompoms and purse and started heading for the door. Kristin started yelling stupid shit after me like, Oh look poor Jody can't handle it, she can't open the door so she's going to leave, oh go home and cry. So me, being the apparently stupid and provoked person that I was, turned around and said calmly, "Fuck off, Kristin". Ok, not one of my better moves, I must say, especially since she chased me out into the driveway and started screaming belligerantly at me. She kept saying ridiculous things like "Keep crying" (I wasn't and I wasn't even close), "you cry all the time" (I think I may have cried twice ever in front of Billy, never in front of her as far as I know), "stay out of my house" (it's not her house, Billy owns it and she just moved in recently because she had no where else to go). This last one provoked a response from Alex who had come out onto the porch. Alex pointed out that it wasn't Kristin's house, which caused Kristin to go over to her and scream in her face instead. She kept screaming personal things about Billy and Alex's relationship that I felt were inappropriate given the circumstances. She ended up pushing Alex and my automatic reaction was to push her and tell her to leave Alex alone. By then Billy had come out and was trying to calm her down, which didn't work. He and another guy actually had to tackle her to the ground, she was flailing and punching so much. Billy got so pissed at her that he punched out his front window. Next Kristin tried to drive off in her car and yet again someone had to tackle her to stop her.

So the end result of the night: Billy had his hand tended to by a nurse at the party (a real nurse, not a person dressed as a nurse), Alex stayed there to make sure he was ok, Kristin hopefully ended up getting violently sick (yes, I am mean), I caught a ride back to the party my sister was at (that's a whole other story), and when I called Billy today it sounded like Kristin was packing her bags. There are a lot more details to this story. They're not in here because a)I don't want to hurt other people, b)I don't want other people to know, and c)it just takes too much damn time to write it all out.

I feel better now that I have that all down. Yesterday reinforced why I always get this bad feeling before I go to parties at Billy's house. I feel like I'm descending into some world that I don't want to be a part of. And last night, I got sucked into it much farther than I wanted to. I feel bad about everything that happened, but I hope that everything works out for the best for all of them.
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