(no subject)

Apr 23, 2008 01:37

Title: Consume

Characters: Maya/Sylar.

Rating: PG-13

Word count: 1,016

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Summery: Missing scenes.

Note: For 
razycrandomgirl! I hope this cheers you up somewhat :)

“You’re ok now, you’re safe.” Maya reassures him gently as Alejandro closes the door and gets into his seat. The man is slumped over, half of him pressed into the corner of the seat. The car starts to move and she quickly unscrews the cap from the water bottle and shifts closer to him and softly cups his cheek. The spout presses to his cracked lips, making his eyes open and very soft brown eyes peer at her through half opened lids.

“Thank you.” His voice is just as dry as his lips and she tilts the bottle carefully, watching the water touch his lips and travel over them. His tongue licks the rim.

“You poor man, poor man…” Maya keeps repeating it and his eyes crack open again, his lashes almost as long as hers. His hand comes up and cover the one she has tilting the bottle and she slips it out from under his as he drinks unintended. Dust still coats half of his face and hair so she rolls up a dark scarf into a pad and soaks it once he has finished with the water. His breathing gets slightly heavier as the wet cloth strokes over his skin, her caresses gentle. His eyes remain open, watching her dazedly.

“Thank you.” Voice smoother, lulling.

She nods, her gaze flicking to follow the slow swipe of her hand and then back to his eyes. “You are welcome.” She smiles, cloth pressing to his cheek.

“Maya!” her brother’s sharp voice cuts the quite and Maya shifts back, giving her brother an affronted look.

“What? The poor guy was almost dead.”

“Does he need you to give him a sponge bath to?”

She purses her lips and slits her eyes at Alejandro before turning back to her object of care. But he’s not looking at them, eyes staring determinedly at the seat in front as he tries to remove his shirt. Maya makes a noise that’s half cluck, half coo and shifts over to him and places her hands on his shoulders, twisting him to face her. His eyes skim over her hair as he’s suddenly engulfed in it but they start to droop as she swiftly lowers the shirt over his shoulders and down his arms, his overly hot body pressing to her for a moment as she struggles to get the garment off.

“There, you can sit back now. You can use this as a pillow.” He stares at her for a moment, almost boggling, before nodding and leaning back and she goes with him, hand cradling him as she places the now cushioned shirt under his head and he closes his eyes, sighing.

“Thank you Maya. I keep saying that…”

“You’re welcome. Now you get some rest and I’ll see about getting something for the back of your neck, it looks burnt.”

He nods lightly, closes his eyes and drifts off quickly.


“Gabriel…Oh! Like the angel!” The excitement already filling her up gets tinted with awe as she looks at him and he smiles back gently before turning his face away to the window.

“Yeah, just like the angel.” He pulls the book against his chest and flicks the corner of it as he falls silent. Maya practically bounces she’s so excited, her lip caught between her teeth but her elation fades slightly when she sees the solemnity clouding his face and she moves closer, placing her hand on his arm.

“Are you ok?”

He turns to her, smiling with soft eyes. “Yeah, just feel tired and” he looks down at himself with a grimace “dirty.” But he seems to prick up, straightening in his seat when she takes his hand and laces her fingers through his and nods in understanding.

“Don’t worry, the next town we come to you can wash and get something to eat.”

“And a bed.” He sighs wearily but Maya rolls her eyes in ecstasy and his mouth parts.

“A bed! Dios what I wouldn’t give for that!”

He chuckles with a frown. “Where do you sleep?” He turns to look behind them, trying to see what was in the trunk. “No tents?”

She shook her head. “No, in the car. We take turns driving and sleeping.” She shrugs “don’t have enough money to stay in a motel.”

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m crowding you out.” He looks at her with an apologetic expression and Maya’s eyes grow velvety with compassion, shaking her head vigorously.

“No, no, of course you’re not! We need you Gabriel.” The hand in his squeezes and she moves even closer with a friendly smile and his breathing grows difficult. For the remainder of the journey, until they reach the next small village, he keeps his gaze on her with a captivated, confused expression.


Maya watches the water running in rivets along the window with a drowsy interest, the sound of it mixing with the heartbeat and breath of the sleeping man against her. His arms are around her waist and she’s half on top of him, legs partially thrown over his as she rests her cheek against his shoulder. Her hand rests against his chest, pressed flat, the other in her lap. She breaths in his scent and finds that it is the same as hers, the same cheap shampoo and soap infusing both so she moves her face closer to him, pressing her mouth to his neck and then sucks her lips into her mouth, tasting.

He is beautiful. Even covered in dust and bone dry she had thought so and that is only enhanced as he lies under her now, strong and clean. She watches the flutter of his ox thick lashes as he dreams and she inhales deeply, smiling, wondering. Maya slides her hand up along his chest to hover over his full curved mouth, one that’s made to smile, and presses the pad of her finger lightly against them.

Gabriel’s eyes blink open sleepily before the fiery brown irises meet hers and her consuming is made mutual.

They quietly, happily, devour each other.
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