
Mar 18, 2008 02:13

Title: Bachata

Characters: Sylar/Maya

Rating: R (swears)

Word count: 1, 974

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Summery: He finds her in a bar.

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saya, fic: bachata, heroes

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fifmeister March 18 2008, 04:48:47 UTC
*fans self* I feel like I just melted! This was awesome. I loved Sylar and Alejandro bickering at each other at the beginning--so true to their characters, hehe! Poor over-protective Alejandro.

“Well I’m gonna look to and I don’t give a shit if you end up stranded here because I’m going to find her first.”

That part made me crack up!

They had spent days doing nothing but talk and sing together. She loved to sing and wasn’t bad and he found himself enjoying it.

I loved the thought of that! I can just visualize the two of them sitting in the front of the car, singing a duet together while Alejandro's head explodes in the back seat. *grin* And for some reason, I totally think Sylar is a good singer. I don't know why, it's just part of my personal AU. Maybe it's because I know ZQ has a background in musical theater. :p

I watched the YouTube video, and holy crap, if Maya was doing that to some other dude, no wonder Sylar got all possessive! *shivers* That was just plain hot. Can't wait to see what comes next!


albion1919 March 18 2008, 12:16:12 UTC
Thank you!! I can see them doing it to, maybe when Maya isn't in earshot lol.


As I was writing that bit I suddenly had a crack/fluffy thought that he sings her silly songs in the car when she'd feeling down. And of course Ale has no idea what he's saying, lol. It's my personal AU that he can sing, ZQ can so I'm using that talent!

I wanted to find some dances and saw that the merengue is popular and the bachata. omg I was shocked when I saw it, lol.

UST comes next, I hope :)


razycrandomgirl March 18 2008, 14:56:42 UTC
UST comes next, I hope :)

are you kidding me. this wasn't UST ...?

I love when he says "Found you." like they were playing hid and go seek or something. Very cat & mouse.


albion1919 March 18 2008, 15:08:11 UTC
Well I guess there's tension but to me it's when they're together it will crank up :x

*nods* Totally. I love that (I'm going to do that with my Maya revenge fic)


razycrandomgirl March 18 2008, 15:16:01 UTC
*gasp* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I love tie ins!


fifmeister March 18 2008, 15:12:03 UTC
I suddenly had a crack/fluffy thought that he sings her silly songs in the car when she'd feeling down.

So cute! XD And hey, why not? After all, it's not like they had much else to do during all those long car rides besides talk or sleep. :p

omg I was shocked when I saw it, lol.

Haha, me too! I was like *jawdrop* "Did somebody glue their crotches together or something?!" LOL.

Today? *puppy eyes* UST FTW!


albion1919 March 18 2008, 15:34:57 UTC
*nods* exactly! Hours and hours the would have spent together and I can see them singing! (I wonder how they slept in the car? Tent?)

I went to this Columbian bar once for my friends birthday and there was a couple like that and I wouldn't believe her when she said that they were just dance partners, lol :x

I'll try :)


razycrandomgirl March 18 2008, 15:41:41 UTC
(I wonder how they slept in the car? Tent?)

Tent ... LOLZ!!!


albion1919 March 18 2008, 15:44:51 UTC
lol, what? How else are they gonna sleep?


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