(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 20:40

 Title: Pollen.

Characters: Gabriel/Eden.

Rating: PG-13

Word count: 1,469

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Summery: Gabriel's first Valentine

Note: It's cheesy and fluffy but today calls for it! :P

It was all meant to go smoothly, their first Valentine’s day together. As the 14th drew closer Gabriel grew increasingly agitated, or as Eden said like he was “shiting bricks.” But he couldn’t help it, he had never celebrated Valentine’s day, never had anyone to buy anything for. What should he get her? Flowers? Chocolates? Jewellery? He had even thought about underwear but she’d probably laugh at him so he scraped that idea.

“Look.” She had said fondly. “I don’t care about it, really. We should just go see a movie or go get some food. Or both. It’s fine, honestly. You spend too much on me anyway.” She had kissed him and left for work but Gabriel couldn’t relax. He couldn’t get her nothing, who really does that? She’d probably never speak to him again.

No, He was going to spoil her and she would love it. He hoped.


He was pedantic and thoughtful by nature so he had it all planned a week in advance. As the experience of planning a romantic event was something totally alien to him he grasped upon the only sauces that he was exposed to it: TV and books.

“You’re really going to do it?” She looked slightly panicked the day before it was to come to fruition.

“Yeah, I am. I know you’re gonna think it’s really cheesy.” She smiled and tilted her head before winding her arms around his neck, standing on tiptoe.

“Nothing wrong with cheese. I wouldn’t say no to chocolate along side it. Or maybe those little-”

He placed his finger against her lips. “Sssh. You’re just going to have to wait.” She pouted at him before flicking her tongue out to lick the tip of his finger. Gabriel cleared his throat and shifted as she sucked it with a wicked look before moving lightly back.

“Looks like someone else will have to wait for their present to…” She walked into the kitchen and he watched her go with a dazed look that cleared into hunger.

“What do mean ‘wait’? Eden?”


She had told him very firmly no roses but he though she was just being modest. He should have listened.

Gabriel, being careful not to wake her, rose while it was still dark and got to work arranging the roses around the apartment, collecting them from his backroom. Hundreds and hundreds of different colour of flowers decorated every available surface, single stems and huge vase-fulls.

Pollen was stuck all over him when he went to wake her up. “Wakey-wakey…” Bleary eyes opened that instantly started to water. She lifted herself up, wiping her eyes. She smiled, swallowing.

“Happy Valen-…Achoo!” She sneezed suddenly, froze and then sneezed again. And again and again and again. She raised herself from the bed and looked into the room beyond. When she saw the roses her eyes widened hugely before she was sneezing again.

“Bless you. Are you alright?” He got down on his knees by the bed and looked at her red face in concern. “Do you want me to get you some water and tissues?”

She couldn’t answer, just nodded with streaming eyes. He jumped up and dashed to the kitchen and filled a glass of water before grabbing a box of tissues from a book shelf. He sat next to her and she took the tumbler quickly, gulping it down. Once she had drained it and blown her nose she looked at him. Gabriel felt his stomach twist, she looked awful, awful and angry. “Is something wrong?”

“I said no roses.”

He was about to defend himself when he stopped, his eyes widening in surprise. “Oh god I didn’t think you were allergic to them! Who’s allergic to roses?!”

“I am!” She wiped her eyes and sneezed again, one after the other. Gabriel repeatedly blessed her each time. She groaned, holding her stomach, drawing in a huge breath. “God the strain is killing my stomach muscles.” She looked at him piteously.

Gabriel felt dreadful. “I’m so, so sorry. I swear I never thought this would happen. Shit, I’ll get rid of them.” Before he could do that she drew him over her, kissing his cheek quickly before pushing him away as she was hit with another sneezing fit.

In a shorter time then it took to display them Gabriel got rid of them. Breathing heavily he slumped back down onto the bed where Eden was surrounded by a ring of tissues. He looked at her with a sad fondness.

“Trying to build yourself a fort?”

“Yeah but not for you, just the nasty pollen.” They remained still as she started to switch her nose and drew in a deep breath and sneezed. She flumped back down, her face a picture of misery.

“I got rid of them but the pollen could still be floating around.”

She shook her head. “It’s to heavy for that.” She eyed his clothes and noted the yellow smears all over it. “It’s you, you better change…and possibly shower, it's even in your hair. Jeez were you rolling around in it?” He smirked before he raised himself back up, sighing.

“Ok, I’ll be right out.”

“I’m sorry Gabriel, that’s the nicest thing anyone’s done for me.”

“A sneezing fit?”

“Yeah.” She smiled but quickly grew serious. “I mean it, I love you.”

He smiled like a doofus whoever she said it. “I love you to.”

“I’ll just lie here, trying not to drown in tissues. Just pray I don‘t start hiccupping otherwise I commit mass genocide on flower-kind.” She giggled stuffily as he grinned. He pulled away and went to shower. He undressed quickly, stilling and blessing her whenever she started to sneeze again. He had the irrational compulsion to laugh, so he bit his lip as he turned on the water. He called out to her from the bathroom.

“We can go out as soon as I’m done, you better get dressed.” He placed his hand over his mouth as she tried to answer but couldn’t for sneezing.

“But I haven’t showered yet.” The words was whispered into his ear and Gabriel gasped before turning with a grin. The remained staring at each other, the silence stretching as Eden drew in a breath, and held it. Gabriel unthinkingly drew the sign of cross in the air, blessing her, and they both burst out laughing.

“You’re mean, laughing at my misfortune.” She said it through a grin.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t help it! It’s not you it’s just that I should have expected this. Like I could do something like this right.” He smiled at her but it was pale, timid.

She drew him into her arms, combing her fingers through his hair. “Hey don’t say that, you didn’t do anything wrong, you just didn’t know. I told you I don’t really celebrate it.”

He nodded, drawing her close to him, pushing down the response her body was having on him. “I know but I didn’t want to disappoint you. You would have thought I was a jerk if I got you nothing, right?”

She hummed and tilted her head with a smile. “Weeell…” She drew the word out teasingly before laughing. “Anyway it’s much, much harder for a woman on valentine’s day, so tell me is there anything you want?” She pressed herself closer to him, laying light kisses around his mouth.

Gabriel groaned softly. “Oh I can think of something…” He dipped his mouth down and caught her lips, claiming them with a need before she pulled back, flushed. He watched as she lowered her pants and drew her PJ top over her head, which she dropped onto the pile with his. Once naked she stood and trailed her eyes over his body.

“I don’t know why you don’t like your body Gabriel, you’re beautiful.” She smiled and he caught her back into his arms tightly. He held her off the floor and buried his face against her neck.

“I love you so much.” A sighing whisper in her ear. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him hard and long, hand pushing him as close as possible as she spread her legs and wrapped them around his waist. They pulled back for breath and she looked at him with half hooded smoky eyes.

“Please, please…”

His heart was thundering in his chest and he was painfully hard but he managed to smile at her, eyebrow raised. “I thought the flowers had made you bedridden?”

“Ah but this is the uncontaminated place…But if you’re so concerned you can just let me go back alone and -” He laughed and carried them into the shower, kissing her quiet.


They spent the rest of the day laying out roses, Eden with her scarf wrapped around her lower face and his arm around her shoulders, side to side.

fluuufffff, fic: pollen, gabden, heroes

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