Jun 25, 2011 15:17
I am use to bureaucracy from the bureaucrats side. Ive worked in the social services field for most of my career. I have always been as understanding as possible with the people i've worked with when they get mad or frustrated at me, as the bureaucrat, with all the red tape and hoops that have to be jumped. Now Im on the other side. Im patient. I get the red tape, I get the hoops. Hubby doesnt. I started my disability claim about 2 weeks ago. Last week we went to DSS for help with food stamps, medicaid and whatever help we can get. 2 weeks ago I started paperwork with the local medical group to get financial aid for care & meds. I am trying to jump through every hoop while tangled in red tape. Every day there is a new piece of mail about one more thing that someone else needs to get our paperwork filed to get help. I guess I can look at it that THIS is my new job. Thankfully, Im a paperwork pack rat and have a good memory for that type of thing. I know where all the info they need is or at least how to obtain it. Im still getting buried and frustrated. I can see where people give up on trying to get help. This is where my tenacity is helpful. Im not giving up! Now that I have come to the realization that I am not healthy to work, I need to make sure that our family is provided for and we cant make a living on my husbands meager salary. But while we are waiting for that disability, we need to eat and we need to make sure our health is protected... especially making sure I am getting the medical care I need to be functional.
Once all the hoops are jumped, the red tape is wound back up, the Is dotted, Ts crossed and paperwork to the right people... then there is the waiting game. DSS said for food stamps I have to wait 30-45 days to meet with someone. I have no clue about how long it takes for Medicaid to kick in. SSI/SSD take a minimum of 90 days before I will hear a peep on any kind of decision. All that takes us up to August before we will be getting any actual help. AUGUST! What are we suppose to do until then?! I mean, at least my parents are willing to help out when needed but I hate asking them! Im not too proud to go to the food banks, we've done it before. But the food banks can only help out so much. What about the things that food banks cant help with: toilet paper, cat food, getting kitten spayed, gas, laundry (If I have gas in the car, laundry is free at my parents. no gas, have to pay for laundry), BILLS?! My husband's pay will take care of most of our bills, but it leaves us little to no money left over for anything else... and I mean ANYTHING else, forget any luxury.
The worst part of all this is the timing. we have non-refundable hotel room for DC next weekend to go to a friend's wedding. If we hadnt already had to hotel, hubby hadnt already taken off work, we wouldnt be going. My parents have offered us trade for the room; hubby will be tearing down a retaining wall this summer. We will be traveling with my parents, so we dont have to pay anything for transportation. However, we need to eat while in DC. Museums are free, so thats good. We can eat on the cheap by getting some groceries because the hotel has a micro-fridge. It will still be very tight and hubby is still losing 3 days of work for this little trip. Im trying not to stress it too much. We do desperately need a vacation. We need to rest and recoup before going back into the battle with bureaucracy.