[Last time: More babies, birthdays and boring sim-lives.]
[Warnings: Not much, me thinks. Possible adult language and pixel-nudeness, etc.]
And here we are again! My sims have boring lives, so loads of birthdays are to be expected.
Sad Lily is sad.
This family is hardly interested in the news. Which is proven by this sight.
First birthday of this update: check!
This would be Lily as a child. She is now also a daredevil. This kid has some interesting traits.
Leah:"I might not be able to steal her candy any more, but this evil doing is still possible."
Lily:"Leah! Stop ruining my block-buildings! You're so annoying."
Lily is quite a forgiving girl though, so the girls still sat together on their first days of school.
Since maternity leave was over, a babysitter was in order. Sims 3 babysitters scare me. Also, Noah is very smug about getting fed in the high chair.
This really does seem like a pretty decent babysitter though, he fed and changed both boys.
Although I must say he doesn't seem to confident about the whole ordeal.
Even the kids seem to like their babysitter, so all s good in the world of Sims 3.
But since both guys only needed skills for their lifetime wants, I made them quit their jobs.
This way no babysitter was necessary, and they had more time to take care of the garden and work on their skills.
That night a miraculous thing happened.
The whole family:
For the first time since the first birth,
my whole sims house was asleep.
Hurrah for triple speed!
I haven't really used any of the Ambitions stuff yet, so I decided to start doing that by making Leah an inventor.
Since it was a Saturday I had to find a way to entertain Lily as well though.
Of course inventors need scrap, so Leah was off to the junk yard.
Since it was a Saturday, all the adults got some kind of outing as well. Elliot went to the consignment store and got the family a magical gnome. Meet Plop.
Plop is a bit freaky though, he keeps watching Lily sleep. I'm thinking he's Leah's accomplice.
Meanwhile Noah and Nick are still very cute. Especially combined with high chairs.
It was still Saturday and Fey was sent out to complete an opportunity. This woman had on another dress, but got a make-over at the stylist.
Just saying, if your sim has ugly pregnancy wear, you can change it by paying a visit to the stylist station.
Claire was also on the road to complete an opportunity, and completing it got her a blue belt. Yay.
Surprise, birthday time! Fey:"Yaaaaaaaay!!!" I don't think she realizes that she's getting old.
Here's more cuteness, btw. I love the child-toddler interactions!
It's so cute!
Since they're twins, it was also Claire's birthday. Who was equally as happy with getting old.
Soon there will be no more cute toddlers in the Whiteside household for quite some years.
So enjoy the last bit of cuteness, since it's birthday time!
See? Birthdays! It's a triple birthday and an official party, so the house was crowded with (partly uninvited) guests.
I love Leah! She's delightfully evil and now also flirty. I love the traits this generation is getting.
Here we have Noah who gained the ambitious trait.
Which means this is Nick, who recently became a lucky sim.
This is Leah's outfit, which I adore. I wish I would get away with wearing something like this.
Schooltime. Leah is a bit isolated though. Nick:"She stole my candy, I don't easily forgive." I see..
Aww, look at that, family homework time. How nice! Leah:"It's hard!"
While Fey was at the gym somebody there wasn't feeling so well. Fey being the awesome medical something she is, helped the lady.
Or at least that's what the game told me, it doesn't look like she's being very useful.
Leah brought a very unfortunate looking friend home. Leah:"Nobody likes her, she wants revenge, so she's a better accomplice then a magical gnome."
Before you know it another triple birthday runs around. Of course Elliot and Jules still look the same, but slightly older.
Lily on the other hand... So pretty! *.* She is now charismatic. Interesting traits this one has.
Without any logical cause, Claire fainted. It's my very first sim fainting in this legacy and possibly in my whole game.
Here's Lily's outfit. Trust me, she dresses a whole lot cuter than she actually is.
This is Jules for you: I tell him to go eat cake, he walks down the stairs and drops his actions since he's hungry.
Hey French dude, ever think that your hunger might be why I sent you to go eat cake? Sigh.
This is pretty much what happens in my game every day. The rest of the family is off to school/work, these two do this.
Lily:"Yay, laundry!" Right, because you're this angelic. Besides the wish to stay out past your curfew.
Lily:"Sprinkler fun! Also, they'll never believe you anyway, so shut it." But... Fine.
Poor Nick was so exhausted from his day at school that he collapsed onto his bed. I thought it was cute.
We end this update with our 'sweet and innocent girl', copying her sisters homework...
[Next time: More teens, cute inventions, lots of skilling.]