Jun 07, 2007 01:14
I seriously peed my pants(almost) tonight for the first time ever. So my friends call me all day about going to what they call "the landing" aka, east bumf * down a dirt road and they promise theres no drinking, just a bonfire and hanging out. So I go. Turns out it's this 10 Ft. wide strip of land between the railroad tracks and the canal. So trains have been going by all night and whatever, i don't like loud noises. I don't like a huge train speeding by 5 ft. from me, or fire trucks or anything of the sort. The train tracks do however run behind my house, so it's not like i'm not used to their noises. I'm sitting there chatting it up, and a train comes and it's moving real slow, so I'm like I bet it's gonna stop. Eventually it stops. Then it starts moving backwards. weird. So we're all watching it, btw, it's up on a bridge about 10' off the ground, and my friend Jaymes goes, "what would you do...." and there's this HUGE LOUD crash, prob from the train changing tracks, and everyone freaks out and like runs almost to the canal, OMG. I pretty much came the closest to peeing my pants ever. Not cool dude, not cool.