Jul 01, 2016 10:02
I collected a bunch of quotes a while back, on Donald Trump, and here are a few more I like. They're actually from last summer, about a year ago:
"Here's the thing about Donald Trump: He never apologizes. He's never wrong, no matter what crazy thing he says. He's totally- he's the white Kanye. And they are gonna love him. For a party whose base adores belligerence, this is the guy."
- Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, 26 June 2015
"The best thing to happen to politics in a long long time. I don't care what his actual positions are. I don't care if he says the wrong thing. He says what's on his mind. He gives honest answers rather than prepared answers. This is more important than anything any candidate has done in years."
- Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks Blog, 27 July 2015
"I had some friends over for dinner and we were of course talking about Trump. People are saying, we don't think Trump's going to be the nominee. I said, I'll tell you what: I think he is. I'll tell you why I think he's going to be the nominee: he's proven that no matter what he says, people dig him. ... I think more or less, people are super tired of politicians, meaning that they like the idea of a successful businessman running the country who might actually be able to get shit done."
- Howard Stern - as quoted in Matt Wilstein (24 August 2015),Mediaite.com
donald trump