Pilate and Christ

Mar 17, 2006 15:19

For Ye Olde Song Hall of Fame... "Pilate and Christ":

From Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's Jesus Christ Superstar, "Pilate and Christ" is when these two meet. Christ is brought in battered and bleeding and Pilate scoffs him asking if this broken man is really the 'King of the Jews' he's heard about. At the end of this short song, he sends him off to see Herod as the crowd laments "Hey JC, JC, please explain to me, you had everything, where is it now ?"

I've always liked JCS, since when I was a kid, and this is the third song from the soundtrack to make it into my Hall of Fame. There will be more, no doubt.

song hall of fame, jews, andrew lloyd webber, jesus christ superstar, jesus, pontius pilate, childhood, israel

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