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Feb 25, 2011 12:08

Ugh! Very busy lately. Assignment due dates piling up. I'm at my Friday video-linked lecture right now, so there's a bit of a break.

I wanted to mention... we've had a recent problem with the heating at home. The gas guy came the other day to investigate and it appears we have a bit of a problem with our flue vent pipes up thru the roof. Turns out when we had that extension built (the garage room) three years ago, the builders had to alter the flue and put a few bends in it. The gas guy took it apart up in the attic and found that they had used the wrong parts... did it wrong, basically. So now we're getting the builder guys back this weekend.

In the meantime we have no heat (except electric heaters when needed)... and it all could have been potentially dangerous as the noxious fumes got out as things weren't working properly FOR THREE YEARS!!! Hoo boy. At least it looks like we'll get it dealt with now. We're not too happy about the whole thing.

Yesterday, for a class, we went to the Hunterston B nuclear power station up near West Kilbride in Ayrshire. We got a talk and a tour which was fairly interesting. A few weeks ago, for this class, we went to a Wind Power consultancy for a look around and some info... also interesting. Wind Farm location is next week.

nuclear energy, grad school, wind energy, house, ayrshire

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