BNP announces UK immigration policy to offer £50,000 to leave the country BNP announces UK immigration policy to offer £50,000 to leave the country
BNP party leader Nick Griffin has outlined his party’s immigration policy which includes offering up to 180,000 people a year £50,000 to leave "overcrowded" Britain.
The party
UK immigration policy also includes shutting Britain’s doors, except to those immigrants whose entry would suit the UK, such as physicists with specialist skills.
"We mean that the doors are going to be shut, because Britain's full. We are the most overcrowded country in Europe. If you are talking about Polish plumbers or Afghan refugees, the doors are going to be shut, because Britain is full," Mr Griffin told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
Mr Giffin did give an example of when Britain may accept an immigrant: a Japanese physicist needed to help with the UK's nuclear programme would be somebody who could be admitted under the party's plans.