Feb 07, 2022 20:21
Sad about our guinea pig that died.
Found her yesterday sort of squeezed into a confined space between the back of their little house and the gate... dead.
I looked on the internet and found: Guinea pigs are a prey species, which means they try to hide when they feel unwell or sick. A dying guinea pig is likely to hide away, not eat or drink, and not pass pellets.
So must not have felt well and just went in there to die.
I had a cat when I was a kid who was found sort of like that once... went into a confined space to die. Dusty was the cat's name.
With Rebecca the guinea pig, it was very sudden. Had not noticed any illness. But in some ways, it's better to go quickly.
Always wonder if there is something that caused it which was preventable. She was only 4 and a half... A good age, but not really really old for a guinea pig. We've had them live 7 or 8 years before. Several have died at 5. I don't have it handy, but I have a list of guinea pigs we've had and how old they've lived. 4 and a half is in the middle. Total of about 8 or 10 on the list through the years
animal health,
guinea pigs