December 2010

Dec 17, 2020 11:25

10 years ago... it was December 2010... here's what was happening:

Wednesday, Dec 1, 2010, Dumfries journal entry:

Yesterday at about quarter to 1am, our grandchild was born... on St. Andrew's Day November 30, 2010. We went in as soon as we could to see him, early Tuesday morning at 4am... It had been a very long labour for Jenny... Her water broke the night before (early Monday morning) as so it took nearly 24 hrs from then until the birth. The baby was in an awkward position apparently so he just wouldn't come out. Finally, they did a caesarian... But he's out now, and everything is fine with him and his mother.

He has been named Adam John McNay. Welcome to the world, Adam !

More from December 2010:

- I'm in a Master's Degree programme (MSc Applied Carbon Management) at University of Glasgow, Crichton campus.

- Jenny, Andy and Adam all have maternity / paternity leave for December and onward. Adam is nocturnal, keeping them up all night.

- My father writes that he injured his face after a trip on the pavement. He and Darlene visited Aunt Betty who is improving in a Lake Havasu, AZ nursing home.

- Cold, icy weather in Dumfries... difficult to get up Mill Hill to the horse. Pipes in the new part of the house froze for a few days.

- Linda ordered a new car... a Ford Fiesta Titanium - 3 door, hot magenta metallic. She will take possession on Dec 30.

- Arthur, the oldest male guinea pig, sadly passes away. We have remaining four guinea pigs and five rabbits.

- Christmas dinner was at Jenny and Andy's. The star of the show was Adam.

arizona, family, life 2010 - 2015, dad, rabbits, journal, christmas, grad school, house, horses, dumfries, weather, cars, animal health, guinea pigs, chronicle of my life

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